My plan is to make the RadioBoard to be real, look also VemsFrontier/Bluetooth
I got Volvo Amazon with B20.
What is currently working&tested firmware for older genboard v2?
- the latest tested for v2 is very old, around 2004.11.24
- the developments in STABLE1_0 branch (that is released on GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges from time to time) should work with v2. Nothing changed that would by nature prevent v2 operation
- but not tested with v2
- even might need some syntactic fixes like ifdefs if it does not compile for v2
- when it compiles (after syntactic fixes if necessary), it should work.
What firmware did you use before ?
You need new for new MegaTune ? (comm.c changes)
- It was some 2004 firmware. Now I got v11 firmware working somehow, it wasn't using h[] for inj (on GenBoard/VerTwo), problem was secondary trigger. Maybe I'll table test STABLE1_0 with GenBoard/VerTwo.
- What is cvs tag for 2004.11.24? Tag v2_96 seems to be fine for v2, how can I see its date? Well maybe it isn't important. I'm not sure it was tagged, we used dates to refer. CVS didn't change for some time than: some ve.c history:\nÿ1ÿ
- I haven't used IAC with v2 but now I got bosch PWM controlled IAC in my hands, so with genboard v2 could pwm out set to L293 without firmware hack perhaps? IAC takes ~1 amp, so L293 output (maybe 2 in parallel) would be good (should be fine, but make sure there is flyback diode and you disable stepper in config.stepper_conf).
- digitalout in firmware is not fully implemented when compiled to GenBoard/VerTwo. However it seems very easy to switch on/OFF any output at the end of injector.c digitalout() function based on the value of "facility" and "valbit". (valbit most significant, 7th bit is ON/OFF).