MembersPage/JuhaK (2005-03-31 11:57:10)

My plan is to make the RadioBoard to be real, look also

I got Volvo Amazon with B20.

FuelCalc question: should TPS have anything to do with pulsewidth when using MAP based control? I have simulated V3 and noticed that TPS makes pw higher or lower while rest are the same. It should not, or should it?

Example: (warmup=100%, ego=100% (off), barom=100%, accel=0, kPA=30)

"production" firmware, tried few different configs too

Have you made sure that both hybrid_rpm settings = 00 ? Yes they are.

Also noticed that with megatune 2.20, at tuning view (current) VE does not change but realtime view VE does change!