BMW 330i '01 Engine is M54B30 turbo...double VANOS
- primary trigger: VR or HALL ? HALL
- secondary trigger: VR or HALL ? HALL
- third trigger: VR or HALL ? HALL
Measure resistance for each sensors (both VR and HALL typically has 3 pin. 2 pin is rare, but that is always VR). If you find 2 pins which measures same resistance in both directions (normally between 300..1400 Ohm) that is VR, otherwise HALL.
Concerning the wheel speed input1 (EC18-8) & wheel speed input2 for traction control, I would like to have more info about it, specifically regarding the input signal:
- the ABS wheel speed in sensor is VR, it goes to the ABS control module
- this control outputs a processed square wave that I think varies from 0-~10V. Can I take this input directly to 18-8 or do I take the input from the ABS sensor directly?
- 0-10V is good for the wheelspeed input (which has resistor and diode protection).
- Tapping the ABS sensor signals is NOT recommended, and that would require VR-to-HALL adapter anyway
Already hooked the IAC open and close signals to injector outputs
- sounds good, just list them exactly...