MembersPage/JohanEriksson/VerThreeFirmForDummies (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

This page is created to simplify and join different pages as: GenBoard/InstallPage/PowerUpToBootloader , GenBoard/Firmware/BootLoader and some of GenBoard/FirmWare, GenBoard/InitialConfig to a easy page to understand and follow.

This is for the person who wants a GenBoard/VerThree but the reason is not to develop software but to use it in his/hers car

Please add or change this wiki page for the benefit of everyone!

1. Getting firmware

Download the released firmware from GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges so you can skip this chapter.

Only get a development firmware version with the below CVS method if you are a developer or want to help table-testing

CVS client:

This program is checking for the latest firmware when running Getfirm, see below

Unzip the downloaded file and rename it to simply 'cvs.exe' if it has additional numbers in the filename. Windows will sometimes hide the file extension. Verify that this feature is turned off. Move the cvs.exe file to your c:\windows folder or any other directory pointed to by the PATH (This is for Getfirm to find it)


This program uses CVS anyonymous (pserver, port 2401) access to download the latest firmware over the internet (requires expertise to make it work behind too restrictive firewalls, but usually works).

Unzip it and open GETFIR~1.txt, there you have all steps needed to get firmware (below is a cut out of GETFIR~1.txt).

Using the same folder name ensures that all your personal config files stay put, getfirm only updates files to a new version if avaible and do not mess with your my_make, config.txt, tables.txt.
  • That will make C;\vems\2003-12-073\firmware\
  • When asked for pass just press Enter
  • It's finished when you see C;\vems\2003-12-07> exit And C;vems\2003-12-07>
  • Type exit and hit Enter to close cmd

The getfirm1.bat is a simplified version, intended to be run from a DOS window that you start in the usual way. It does not create a new folder.

2. Compiling firmware - optional

The downloaded zip has a compiled vems.hex so you can likely skip this chapter as well, unless you need some special customization in my_make file.

Avr-gcc compiler: Download latest stable WINAVR package (18MB)and install

Perl interpreter: Download the 8.6MB Perl 5.6.1 MSI package, and the 2MB Microsoft MSI installer package if required and install

3. Uploading firmware

After you have compiled your firmware you can upload it to your controller. You may need to check the serial connection before uploading:

Do Not connect the GenBoard to the power supply yet


AVRStudio (27,5MB) Download from: and search for 'studio' or directly use this link: ( to save download time you could ask someone to email you the AVRprog.exe program )

Or Found under bin/ in the firmware directory (Very small)

Steps to upload firmware to genboard:

And that's you have firmware on your genboard!

  • In the case were your firmware is corrupted and get some errors with, you can try and start the board into bootloader mode:
  • Make sure the power is OFF.
  • Jump PIN 1 and 2 on the Genboard RS232 Pin header, or if serial cable and connector is soldered already (updating firmware etc.) short pins 2 and 3 in 9-pin D-Sub connector.
  • Power up the Genboard.
  • Remove Jumper and plug your RS232 cable.
  • Use the download procedure as above without the 't' parameter because we are already in Bootloader mode.

4. Downloading Config and Tables

Downloading is to retrive your config if your PC backup is lost and is not necessary on a new GenBoard since you want your own car specific settings

5. Uploading Config and Tables

Uploading the etc/config.mtt and etc/tables.mtt to Genboard, this is best done using a terminal program. Ensure that you upload the .mtt extension or you will have problems getting your installation running.

Make sure that global.h is the same version as in GenBoard

The above steps need only be used once as long as firmware version changes are not made. After you have done these steps, you can use the following to make changes:

Now you have Config and Tables in your Genboard!

Under Construction!

THX verry helpful for us dummies :)

Yup. Mad props for writing that up. :)