MembersPage/JimW (2006-01-04 10:27:12)

Switching to Genboard on my Golf racer, because K-Jet isn't cutting it. Later on I will be doing forced induction, so I need room for change.

Pictures and some info:

email james at shadowflux dot com

Progress report (Nov 11):

Firmware r023

Starts and runs! Idles fairly smoothly with only set-screw holding throttle body at 4-5% open. Drove around a little bit, runs very well and all parameters look good. Accelerates much harder than when K-Jet was running the show, until it gets to the sections of fuel map I haven't tuned. I'll be reviewing logs today, updating tables and doing more testing, provided the rain stays away. Thank you, everyone, for your help!


Latest/revised comments config: MembersPage/JimW/Config

Notes about subsystems (to verify/justify config variables) on pages below

My Genboard and LCD display:

genboard_32_1.jpg lcd_box_1.jpg lcd_box_2.jpg