MembersPage/JimW (2005-09-13 00:37:25)

Switching to Genboard on my Golf racer, because K-Jet isn't cutting it. Later on I will be doing forced induction, so I need room for change.

Pictures and some info:

email james at shadowflux dot com

Progress report (Sept 12):

Finally have everything wired up and bolted down, ready to fire. After putting a fuse into the panel for the coils, flip the switches, but no starting. Checked for spark, verified ignition is working. Not sure if I'm getting enough (or any) fuel. I'll have to pull the fuel rail to check. Verified fuel flow through rail, but still need to check injector actuation. If someone would browse my config and tables just to make sure I haven't missed anything, I would appreciate it.

Logging Q: logs WBO2 activity.


Latest/revised comments config: MembersPage/JimW/Config

Notes about subsystems (to verify/justify config variables) on pages below

My Genboard and LCD display:

genboard_32_1.jpg lcd_box_1.jpg lcd_box_2.jpg