MembersPage/JimW/History (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

When uploading the firmware via avrprog: Click 'Exit' after finished uploading, window greyed and only available action is to click X to close (no matter how much time passes). Was worried that the upper bits would not be written to flash, but everything seems okay. Update (3/18): Have repeated this several times and everything works out okay.

I am trying to learn how to edit the XML manual. Tonight was the first night I've even had a chance to look at it, and it doesn't seem too bad. A few questions that probably aren't appropriate on the manual pages:

More config related questions:

I see the manual has been updated regarding ignition and injection h[] sequences, which helps a lot. Crystal clear now.

I want to connect to all sensors while old management system is working to test everything and do some datalogging before implementing v3.2, but don't want to actually run engine with it:


[history of Samuel].