When uploading the firmware via avrprog: Click 'Exit' after finished uploading, window greyed and only available action is to click X to close (no matter how much time passes). Was worried that the upper bits would not be written to flash, but everything seems okay. Update (3/18): Have repeated this several times and everything works out okay.
I am trying to learn how to edit the XML manual. Tonight was the first night I've even had a chance to look at it, and it doesn't seem too bad. A few questions that probably aren't appropriate on the manual pages:
- what is the preferred editing method/program? I'm using Morphon and its very slow (on computer .... MHz, ... RAM and OS .... ). P4 1.4ghz, 384mb rambus rdram, win2k. Not a slow machine, never have trouble with anything else I want to run (don't play games on this machine, so exclude those processer hogs)
- Morphon was preferred, but any text or XML editor works. Just keep to the DocBook format and it'll be fine.
More config related questions:
- What is crank_minper?
- trigger periods (which is another_trigger_tooth number of teeth in case of multitooth) shorter than this are considered error (eg. due to noise)
- battfac: amount of time to add per X volts decrease in supply voltage. What is X?
- battfac is the slope. Exact formula from fuelcalc.c: linear_interp( BATT_7V, BATT_19V, config.injopen + config.battfac, config.injopen - config.battfac, engine.batt );
- Is injpwmt the same as injopen?
- no. injpwmt is 1 .. 1.3 msec to charge enough current into the injector. injopen is a parameter of the nice GenBoard/Manual/Config/InjectorOpening model usually 0.. 0.3 msec with low voltage flyback.
- Does calibrating the TPS in Megatune take care of the values (tps_low, tps_high) in config?
- TODO: I don't know. Check with mcd
- TPSDOT should be used only with Alpha-N for acceleration enrichment? MAPDOT should be used only with Speed-density for acceleration enrichment?
- actualy, TPSDOT is usually used for speed-density as well. It is a compromise, since TPS is highly nonlinear (especially at low RPM). The reason for this choice is that MAP signal can lag TPS a bit, usually (especially with long hose).
- What are valid values for tps_thresh? Can tps_thresh be less than tpsdotrate[0]?
- tpsdotrate[] are the "bins" on x axis (rate of tps change, usually the change in 100msec time )
- if (tps_thresh > tpsdotrate[0]) than config.tpsaq[0] is actually never applied (but otherwise fine)
- Is tpsasync the 't' in delta over time (tps/map DOT) or the amount of time to add the acceleration enrichment?
- the latter: amount of time ("Acceleration duration [0.1 sec]" in global.h or on LCD) seems right
- Why don't we apply warmup enrichment to acceleration enrichment instead of seperate bin (as acmult and tpsacold)?
- good question. We should ask mik. I'd just apply corr.warm multiplier in the final calc after accel enrichment is applied, and be done with it.
- Does batt_cal change fueling or just readings in MegaTune/MegaTunix?
- the MegaTune readings are (fortunately) engine.batt so indeed it changes fueling a little (and injector PWM duty if PWMing is used)
- Should fastidle be set to target idle rpm when not using IAC?
- no, it's a temperature value (0 means -40 Fahrenheit, 200 means 160 Fahrenheit). iac.c: if (engine.coolant >= config.fastidle) { ...
- What is iac_step_seq?
- C9 or D8 , read "Idle air" section on MembersPage/MarcellGal/EngineSwap/AirFeed
- ve_learn_conf bit2=2x2 box. bit2 is just the bit that has value=4
- 0x05=2x2 mode (discouraged)
- 0x01=1x1 mode (recommended, during early phase of tuning)
- 0x00=ve_learn disabled (recommended during normal conditions)
I see the manual has been updated regarding ignition and injection h[] sequences, which helps a lot. Crystal clear now.
I want to connect to all sensors while old management system is working to test everything and do some datalogging before implementing v3.2, but don't want to actually run engine with it:
- leave coils/injectors disconnected. This is sufficient in itself. If outputs are connected for some reason:
- disable ignition with ign_out=FF
- disable injection with h[0]=00 00 00 ..