MembersPage/JanSaenen (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

My project is to turbocharge a BMW E30 325i M20 engine.

Engine specs:

I guess we have a lot in common: [MembersPage/GergelyLezsak]

A great guy who's car I deff like to see when it's finished: [MembersPage/MattiasSandgren]

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Electric fan

Will need to apply a relay, since there is no output for 30A. Several injector FETs can be driven in parallel, but this is not recommended (very easy to burn traces with misconfiguration). Check GenBoard/Manual/DigitalOut/Table and determine a free output you want to use to control the relay.


My GenBoard (serialNr=355 and 356) has two EGT cables connected to the board, at nearby locations.

You can connect two EGT sensors. MegaTune will log both mcp3208channel4 and mcp3208channel3 (raw values). However, only mcp3208channel4 is displayed on LCD page0 (mlp00).

Raw values mean that the

Peak and Hold

-How is the signal to the injectors configured. I checked the board for it's flyback and it's there. The drivers and the LowZ type but how is the signal to the injectors configured? I need a Peak and Hold steering.

mailto: Jan_Saenen at hotmail dot com