MembersPage/JanSaenen/Progress (2006-03-31 15:19:42)

Current state:

Used MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide

I'm using a BMW M20 6 cylinder engine simular to MembersPage/GergelyLezsak

It uses the following sensors and injectors:

-440CC injectors

-Stock single coil distributer

-VEMS Internal Map sensor (working)

-VEMS shop IAT sensor (values below)

-WB02 5057 sensor

-Other CLT sensor (values below)

-Volvo TPS sensor (working)

-Stock VR sensor (working)

I've downloaded the [] package and updated the firmware using UploadFirmware.bat. All sensors are connected and need to be calibrated. This is where the problems start:

'IAT and CLT:'

I downloaded EasyTherm and filled in my three reference points:


; -2 6500

; 20 2500

; 160 50


; 0 5000

; 20 2200

; 100 300

EasyTherm converts them into other values and makes the next three files:

These three files now contain the right sensor resistance/temperature tables. So both my Firmware and Megatune needs to be updated. I found the same files in the following folders:



So I figured I needed to replace these files and unload the firmware again, using Upload-Firmware.bat

This didn't work so I also tried using Tempsensor-upload.bat. This also didn't work.

I checked-out EasyTherm but don't understand what I need to do.

Can someone explain this to me in plain English I just don't understand the short talk on the Wiki as I don't understand the basics. For excample:

hexpatch.exe vems.hex < airXfactor_3000_287.hex > vems_1.0.30_airXfactor_3000_287.hex

Where should I run this?? Cprompt??

I don't know how the battery calibration is being done. I'll try to find out.

'WB02 sensor:'

I'm looking into it right now. I tried yesterday but couldn't figure out how to do MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide instructions.

There are differences. But how can I reuse his setup? I don't know what files I should put in what place.