My plan is to run VEMS V3.3 fully integrated on the stock harness. Vems will be atached through a short adapter harness. the only stock sensor that I'm not going to use is the stock HALL.. I will install a 36-1 trigger from Ford, on the crank.
Here is a picture of the powerplant.
Next Question:
- I didn't get my VR to work properly.
- where are your measurements so we can help ? The 36-1 pattern
- voltage at the VR input
- input open
- 1k resistor connected towards GND
- VR sensor connected
- We use PC/notebook soundcard output (see ElectronicDesign/TriggerSignalGenerator ) to test the setup (HW and firmware and config). It is much easier and faster and less frustrating than cranking the car through hours
- after the trigger worked with the soundcard, InputTrigger/TriggerLog will help determin polarity
- voltage at the VR input
- where are your measurements so we can help ? The 36-1 pattern
So I have decided to go for the Stock HALL trigger in the HEI distributor.
I have a V3.3 genboard, What do i have to change?
So I have to reconfigure My hardware from Primary VR to Primary HALL..
- I got hold of this site but my circut borad doesn't look like the same
- but don't worry, SJ2 and SJ6 (that you care about) are the same
- GenBoard/Manual/InputTriggerHardWare
- R30 pullup that is missing or weak (22k or higher) with VR, should be strong (1k .. 22k) with HALL (but external pullup is also possible, of course, the effective value counts )