- ) first time i work with WIKI, well see how this works out
My plan is to run VEMS V3.3 fully integrated on the stock harness. Vems will be atached through a short adapter harness. the only stock sensor that I'm npt going to use is the stock HALL.. I will install a 36-1 trigger from Ford, on the crank.
Here is a picture of the powerplant.
Next Question:
My HEI module need a +5V signal to work.. If you cut this signal, you can adjust base spark advance.
- Is it possible to use pin 28 for this, I have no clue what the amp is needed??
- me neither, but if it's < 70mA, EC36pin28 should be suitable. It's unlikely to ruin anything since the 5V is current limited at around 100mA (which is more than it bears forever!). But why would the HEI require 5V power-input? only the PC needs multiampere +5V supply ;-)