MembersPage/IrbensA (2007-03-11 20:39:35)

What we have at the moment is: BMW 325iX with stock M20B25 (inline 6 cyl) engine planned to be turbocharged, but before it the GenBoard v3.x should take its place on the car.

As I am not an electronics expert, any help from others who have successfuly managed to install Genboard on their cars will be appreciated!

As we have a spare engine, while studying / installing Genboard these changes will be made on it and later it will be installed on the car in the place of the stock engine:

Shopping cart:

Received GenBoard some time ago. Finally managed to work on it last weekend.

Firmware is uploaded. First tests have been done outside the car: managed to get MAP and coolant temperature readings. Next step will be installation of genboard inside the car and wirig all the sensors, injectors (still on their way) and COPs. Now searching for POT style TPS.

Ignition outputs

Have ignition option 6+2 and planning to use COPs. Assuming ignch4 and ignch5 are logiclevel. Normally you would verify in [webshop product options] but this changed recently (to be more suitable for ign_dualout), so easiest to measure in 3 mins: the logiclevel outputs (that you will not need, probably ignch4 and ignch5) pull to 0V when inactive (measure with DVM DC mode, with EC36pin28 as base, that is appr +5V). See GenBoard/Manual/DigitalOut/Table for ignch pins.

Assuming firing order 1 5 3 6 2 4

While any wiring can be supported via the ign-sequence h[2], this ign mapping wiring is superior, because easy to remember and LEDs look good on table-test:

h[2]=70 60 30 20 10 00 xx xx

While you do the wiring only once, and the crank and cam stays that way forever on that engine anyway.

Trigger configuration

Start by finding a similar and copying here. Do your adjustments that you think suitable (take notes of where you have the info), and ask for review.

Also could somebody give me some information about crank primary trigger configuration(VR) (standard bmw M20 Crank Trigger Wheel 60-2) and mostly about secondary (VR) (cam trigger wheel from bmw M50 with one Teeth).

Any info about trigger configuration in this case would be good. Have read vems manual, more specific info on configuration in my case (using primary and secondary trigger) - would be nice. I`m trying to gather as much info as possible.

so far found info about triggers

You likely want to use 1.1.18 or newer, see GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges for config hints

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