As we know the LCD page layouts ar outdated and most are obsolete. Actually [Android displays] are used more often instead.
I would suggest some that are closer to the needs of end users. With an extra addon of warning ex CLT, MAP, low oil / fuel pressure.
What is "ex" ? ("eg." ? Or something else ?) High CLT and high MAP ?
Probably the easiest is to change to negative color team, 3-4 blinks of 0.2 sec than 5sec pixels change on to off and off to on creating a negative image.
My suggestions are:
General use
RPM:0000 Map:099 :Engine Speed, Mainifold Air pressure
La:??.? Tps: 49% :Lambda, Throttle pisition
Clt: 44C Air:-19 :Coolant temperature, Manifold Air temperature
Oil: 2.5 Batt:12.4 :Oil Pressure, Battery voltage
For turbo:
RPM:0000 Map :099 :Engine Speed, Mainifold Air pressure
La:??.? EGT:1050 :Lambda, EGT temp
Clt: 44 Air:-19 :Coolant temperature, Manifold Air temperature
Oil: 2.5 Fuel: 3.5 :Oil Pressure, Fuel Pressure
for N/A engines
RPM:0000 Tps: 49% :Engine Speed, Throttle pisition
La:??.? Batt:12.4 :Lambda, Battery voltage
Clt: 44 Air:-19 :Coolant temperature, Manifold Air temperature
Oil: 2.5 Fuel: 3.5 :Oil Pressure, Fuel Pressure
Any hint of the most useless page, perhaps to drop ?