MembersPage/HansK/DetonationDetection (2006-03-24 21:34:08)

I could not recompile the firmware from MegaTune1.0.30rc3 with "MY_CONF += -D KNOCK_OSC=16" in my_make (or without), so I used firmware_1.0.23.

Q: Is a certain firmware recommended when useing knock-sensor and MegaTune1.0.30rc3?

Q: Any one who got knock-sensor/indicator working?

I'm setting op the knock-sensor but I only got a 16MHz crystal with the board, and I see 4MHz is the normal setup. Q The "knock-chip" has a programmable-divider so it can also use a 16MHz crystal if it is set up, but where to set up/program this divider?

If you have a few days time (and controller not clamped yet), fire an order to WebShop for a 4MHz crystal (select a resistor, or the knockkit since empty cart cannot be checked out.) Select IBAN method, you get for free.

Please always use comments for every post. Otherwise your commits might get purged together with the attack.

A: You need to recompile firmware with the following line added to my_make: "MY_CONF += -D KNOCK_OSC=16", then the knock chip is initalized with the correct divider for the 16MHz crystal.


Knock-frequency around 7KHz.. from about 6,2-7,8KHz.


Engine: VW 1800 8v. 81mm bore, 86,4mm stroke.



I have connected the shield to GND outside the box, and connected the two wires to "knock 1 and -" ("ch. 0" in MegaTune).


knock_conf=FF #0xFF=Enable knock detection and ignition retard. # MegaTune change it to: knock_conf=FC


knock1_frequency=29 #6.94kHz



knock2_frequency=00 #Disabled..?



knock_threshold=50 #Threshold fore what?


knock_max_retard=18 #6 degrees

knock_default_retard=08 #2 degress

knock_retard_step=04 #1 degree

knock_retard_delay=10 #240ms

knock_advance_step=02 #0,5degree

knock_advance_delay=10 #240ms

knock_minrpm=0F #1500rpm

knock_maxrpm=32 #5000rpm
