- RPM (sent by VEMS in AIM channel 1). Examples sniffed in hex from terminal - shows vems firmware sends correctly:
- (03EB=) 1003RPM - 01 A3 03 EB 92
- (07D6=) 2006RPM - 01 A3 07 D6 81
If you see such packets on the serial port (with a terminal program for example), the sending side is configured for display settings / "AIM enabled" and works correctly, and the receiving side should (or should be reconfigured to) interpret these AIM protocol packets.
Race technology sells a dash that they claim "VEMS compatible",
so they can read the AIM stream, (to our knowledge) with a fw upgrade that only Race Technology can provide; To our best knowledge Race Technology provides that upon request, free of charge.
To make it clear: Race Technology can help to configure the receiving side accordingly, not VEMS.
I use a datalogger and dash from the company Race Technology, labelled "Vems interface"
- the reflash was provided by Race Technology (thanx)
- can we publish the firmware that is required for the [Race-Tech Dash2] display ? There were a couple of disappointed Race-Tech owners who gave up, and will be very happy to be able to use it finally. One dash-2 owner kindly offered his device for testing.
Protocol details
- VEMS firmware sends data via [AIM protocol],
- the scalers were made according to [AIM-protocol.pdf] with only minor corrections to match the Race-Tech Motec interface (which was found to deviate slightly from the protocol.pdf, eg wheelspeed 10x multiplier).
Other channels:
Example of data streamed from my v3:
It seems there are more channels streaming from my v3! I also see activity on channels 224-229 in my data. What are theese channels used for?
- I also see action on channel 133, what is that used for?
- GPSSPEED is sent via channel-133 (5+128 if you like... 5 is traditional wheelspeed)
- valid when nmea-GPS is connected
- Of course, GPSSPEED might be different from wheelspeed: likely more precise on the average (not depending on user calibration and tire pressure), but filtered more agressively, slower response.
- 224-229 are AIM_OUT_0 .. AIM_OUT_5, custom outputs
- eg. boostcontrol solenoid output channel, idle solenoid output channel can be actuated by other device, say, round if configured so (very useful on V8 where ++ number of outputs help)
- .. channel=Xe where (X=0..5)
- disable outputs by i7, not by i6 (unless you know what you are doing)
- we'll review your vemscfg in this respect
- however any AIM receivers just neglect the channels they don't know. Chance is 0.00% that disabling 224-229 will get Race-Tech working if it does not work with 224-229 transmitted.
Im running v3 firmware 1.1.96
Some of the channels within the AIM datasream are correct.
- TPS displayed good (AIM channel 45)
- RPM (sent by VEMS in AIM channel 1). Examples sniffed in hex from terminal - shows vems firmware sends correctly:
- (03EB=) 1003RPM - 01 A3 03 EB 92
- (07D6=) 2006RPM - 01 A3 07 D6 81
- [VEMS-ecu interface]
- it says "Note: AIM protocol used" and is using the [AIM - RS232 protocol] that v3 properly sends (when enabled).
loging AIM-Data-Stream from VEMSRound V2
i want to log the data comming from my VEMSRounD V2.
i don't have a VEMS-ECU i just bought the VEMSRoundV2 and i like to log both afr and egt values to a storage in my ESP32 driven boardcomputer
VemsTune von windows works fine, but on serialterminal on my ESP i just get "booted"
Kamuto from http://www.vemssupport.com told me, to ask this question here.