BMW M50 Non vanos (VR, VR) PNP ecu trigger issue.
If the ECU has been setup as Vanos, would the crank trigger still work?
- Plugging M50-Vanos (VR, HALL) ECU to M50-NonVanos harness is strictly prohibited. Should never happen. Even if primary trigger is VR in both cases, pin number is different
Customer is getting "no trigger" (indicated by triggerlog or RPM or ... ?), scoped the input wire at the ecu and that all looks fine, but the ECU does not have a signal.
Suspicion: is there a chance that the ECU was mistakenly setup as M50 Vanos PNP which is causing this?
Before sending the ECU back what options can the customer take to verify the ECU is built right?
- Download the [M50-vanos-vs-s50b32.xls] (note: also on [shop page] ) and identify relevant pins that are related to trigger, and/or different in M50-Vanos and M50-Nonvanos
- Take clear notes while measuring... (we'll happily review)
- With ignition off and ECU unplugged: Measure GND pins connectivity to GND (say, to pin6):
- GND pins: 6,34,55 and 15,28,43,44,45,71 - in M50 Non-vanos some are not used and don't care but while at it, measure them anyway, especially in case of doubt
- Measure Ohm to GND from trigger related pins like (at least): Pin16,17 pin67,68 and pin44 GND
- Report basic information like ECU serialnumber
- check the '''harness with DVM ohm measurements: harness crank and cam pins to ECU connector pin numbers
- Harness crank and cam connector pins (sensor possibly disconnected, just take note)... measure voltage relative to GND with ignition on and report (with ECU serialnumber and measuring circumstances, eg. sensor disconnected or sensor connected).
- harness: Crank and cam sensor connector pins connectivity or resistance to GND is also useful (continuity or resistance is measured with ignition off)
- See InputTrigger/TriggerLog (and [VT Help] )
- note: Primtrig pulses need much longer cranking to show up in triggerlog if sectrig does not work (for any reason).
- Report very precisely what exact indication shows that "the ECU does not have a signal" (eg. only watching RPM, or triggerlog, or WBO2 heater activation, or similar)...
Note: The VR sensors have + and - wires. The ECU-s are tested on automated bench, but during that procedure the signalgenerator ECU pin44 GND is connected via alternate paths also. So while most signals are tested by automated methods, the VR return path to GND is tested manually. It happened before (once in 200 perhaps) that the pin44 return pin was not connected to GND inside the ECU. It is carefully checked since, so should not happen, but just in case, measure the GND-s and all trigger pins (Ohm measurement to pin6).
The same set of measurements also reveals some bigger mismatch, eg. Vanos / Non-Vanos... (rather different, as you see in the xls... Even the cranktrigger input pin is different).
Originally on MembersPage/GunnarReynisson/Questions