MembersPage/GunnarReynisson/AIMCANBUS (2020-06-24 15:17:11)

I have the CAN BUS mockup module from the shop.

By what means can I change the CAN output Id's, scaling, offset etc? Is it pre-programmed into via firmware or is there any way of changing the config and then rebooting?

I also received a USB stick

which has 4 wires

Yellow - SWDIO

Brown - GND

Orange - SWCLK

RED - 3.3v

Inside the module there is a 4 way header pin and also a micro USB connector.

Currently the 4 way header (GND, SWDIO, SWCLK) from the USB-

Programmed to convert aim => AUDI CAN-data, see SimpleCanMessages


Testing step 1

I´m only getting Id 0x280 @ 500Kbit @ 10Hz but nothing on it.

The ECU has RPM and is operating, but nothing is coming out on CAN at ID 0x280. What configuration does it have? If nothing how can I put a config on it?

If AIM is verified, See CanBus

I don´t have a Android phone to test the AIM out or a gauge but It looks like I´m not getting AIM out.

Definitely check that first (easy with a terminal, every 5th byte is A3).

What is the next step to testing?

Is AIM out only available via second RS232?

Aim output stream is available via 1st or 2nd serial, but 1st is often used for VT, so 2nd serial is much more practical: see BroadcastDatastreamAim section: "Configure 2nd UART to send "5 byte stream" with datacontent matching the AIM"

I?ve got a aim2can module with analogs.

My problem is the input voltage range from a 0-5v sensor is only 0-3v with a factor of 1.5v till that point into the vems. This means I cannot properly use the sensors full range.

The ratio of actual sensor voltage to vems reported voltage is about 1.5 upto 3v, after that it starts changing as the module hits its max range

Multimeter >> VEMS voltage tested using a potentiometer

0.00 >> 0.02

0.50 >> 0.77

1.03 >> 1.57

1.48 >> 2.25

1.99 >> 3.01

2.51 >> 3.79

3.00 >> 4.52

3.52 >> 5.00

4.00 >> 5.00

4.52 >> 5.00

4.91 >> 5.00

There is no information I could find in the shop or wiki that states that the analog inputs are limited to 3v, which would mean all 0-5v can?t be used up until 3v. I have fitted some pressure sensors and feed them with 5v supply as they require, these cannot be used. I?ve now installed this only to find these limitations.

If 0-5V input range is needed, simply divide by 1.5