After upgrading to 1.1.53 (from 1.0.75 which worked well, but did not allow table-switching during running, controlled from an input-switch) ...
Dwell seems to be good with 4-1 when camsync is used. But this engine has a homemade 4-1 crankwheel, withOUT camsync.
It seems the output dwell cannot overtake tooth0 for this low-toothcount 4-1 setup without camsync. Therefore the actual dwell (for one or both outputs) is shorter than the calculated dwell (calculated dwell appears in the log).
A zip file-ban benne van a config és 3 log. Idorendi sorrendbe alapjárat, emelt fordulat, menetközben(benne van a darálás is).
We are trying with another_trigger_tooth=04 (doubling RPM constant from 3000 to 6000), but it seems to decrease dwell this way too. There doesn't seem to be a simple solution for this.
Sajnos nem segit ha idejössz (padon is látjuk a dwell rövidülést). Lehet, hogy 1.0.75-re vissza kell állni egyelore.
A hutöventillator is megbolondult teljesen ellenkezoleg vezérli a ventilátor mint a 1.0.75-ös verzió.
fan_channel=87 means INVERTED output (p259/0=EC36/4 but inverted semantics)
Select output 0 not i0