So reality is: my first Genboarded cars will be Audi 20V turbo and n/a.
First question is about R48 2k7 resistor on V3.3 board:
Q:So becomes LM1815 output signal to uControler comes 5V high and ~3.9V low?
(pullup is HW modification for AudiTrigger)
Second question:
I imitate Audi Trigger using WAW file: 270 pulses on right, 1 pulse on left chanel. 1.0.53 firmware.
Everything works OK until ~6000Rpm. Then starts trigger errors. After 7000 - no sync at all.
It seems thigs goes even worther with new 1.1.11 firmware.
Q: How to sort out what is cause: sound card resolution or something with Genboard?
Disquiet is because 2 of 3 Audis must rev up higher than 7000!
- Audi have restricted turbo by rules ~300hp max. I think ~500Nm@~3500 and ~300Hp@~5000
- is project with big turbo and target power >500Hp
- is n/a engine with deep modificatons for rallying ~250Nm@~5200 ~230hp@~6900
here is my waw files:
I use Goldwave sound software. They have evaluation version: free and very sutable: simly loop .waw say 8000 times. And under tools is easy to control playback speed evenly.
third question:
Q: C30 cap between primary 135tooth VR input and ground? Is't it too big??
This document: beside of all is mentioned:
...if there is noise C30 (which helps shape the input signal) may be broken, try replacing it if you don't have a scope 1nF is will give you a 16kHz filter frequency, you could easily have a bit more here for most applications....
But 16kHz is 7111Rpm for audi 135 teeth Wheel!
Update early 09.02.2007
Remove c30 and able rev up to 9200 on my bench test on sound. I use Audi_270&1_4690Rpm.wav.
Trigger errors is still present: more than 16/sec@7100.
It becomes actual little over 6000 and most serious is ~@7000. Strange: @~8000 W counter on LCD became slower.
Here is datalog:
Cursor is at 6528 Max peak is 9375
With new 1.1.11 firmware is unable rev up higher than 6500 and counter jumps like messed!
This relative success achieved with 1.0.53 and
msq for new firmware:
Q: Plese help me with any sugestions!