Small (appr 4 liter) gas engine, 4 cylinder, 1500 RPM
- EC36/5
- EC36/21
- EC36/22
- EC36/32
- EC36/26
See MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide
Supply +12V or +13.5V (not +24V !!!)
- EC36/25 (1-3A fuse, if stepper output not used)
5 EGT (order comment: "5 EGT inputs") 4 individual + 1 mixed
- K-compensation cable (kompenzációs kábellel bekötni)
- EC36/14 (és a GND közé)
- EC36/2 (és a GND közé)
TPS (folytószelep pozíció)
- EC36/1 (0-5V analog)
Trigger input
- EC36/27 Primary trigger, HALL 6-1 (or 6-2)
- configurable rising (felfutó) or falling (lefutó) edge
- after missing tooth, recommended pulse positions: 72 BTDC, 12 BTDC (75-70 and 15-10 fokkal felso holtpont elott)
- EC36/13 Secondary trigger: HALL, 1 pulse
- configurable rising (felfutó) or falling (lefutó) edge
- (vezermutengely jelado, a fotengely hianyzo fogatol legalabb 70 fokra)
EC36/28: +5V output for HALL sensors (max 50mA recommended)
Ignition outputs (1,3,4,2 firing order)
- EC36/34 (IGN/2) cyl1
- EC36/36 (IGN/3) cyl3
- EC36/24 (IGN/6) cyl4
- EC36/10 (IGN/7) cyl2
4A biztosítékon át a gyújtótrafó másik vége tápfeszre (+12V vagy +24V DC) van kötve
IAC PWM output
- Power Throttle Valve (teljesítmény pillangószelep)
- 0-90% (or 10-90% )
- EC36/pin11 (ign4) 0/5V (max: 1.1mA)
- alternatively: EC18/pin4 (Stepper A) 0/12V
Mixture valve
- PWM or 0-5V analog signal (with RC filtering):
- EC36/12 (ign/5 logiclevel). Low current signal, do not load. (max: 1.1mA)
2nd RS232 for CRC protected special commands
- Modbus RTU 9600-38400,8n1 recommended, configurable up to 115200,8n1 (8e1 also possible, but rarely used)
- Modbus address configurable (2 in the examples: ALS_deactivation time=0.2 sec means modbus address=2)