MembersPage/FPhil/Injection (2013-05-27 22:45:09)

Starting ignition

Hopefully I got a bench both for the Weber OEM injection IAW ECU and for the Vems.


On the next figure, the strobes regarding one cylinder are counting from the last: - Ignition, - Vems Injection, - IAW Injection


The settings for the injector are the one computed by VT from the engine specs and as we see not too far from IAW

Injection outputs

given by the OddFireSixCyl page.

Here below are the 6 Vems output together with the trigs injVemsBad.jpg

Evenly-spaced. Remember this odd fire engine has an ignition pattern as 90, 150, 90, 150 , ... and one can expect to have this pattern duplicated for the injection one.