Sparkcut get fixed at 62,5% ( ALS maximum cut level ) even after ALS has been switched off.
This has happend a few times on the track.
We are testing 1.2.15 candidate from (with ini update in newest VemsTune) that should have the fix.
Look at 28sec into the [log].
- at 28 sec, Spark advance is apparently 11 degrees in the log
- launch is not active
- ALS switch (byte47=StatusBits bit7) als_switch_activated prells (switches off for a quick instant, always 1 sample at a time) 13 times total, last is 29.42 sec
- Is this real ? What can cause this ?
- Sparkcut ( not Advance ! ) is 62.5% from 29.8 sec and indeed stays so in the vemslog captured with firmware 1.2.9 (available for testing)