MembersPage/EricN/Trigger (2006-04-04 04:10:44)

Trigger related page for MembersPage/EricN

truck is a 6 cyl. I am firing cop coils and using a distributer mounted trigger wheel. Tooth count is dependent on what sensor I get working

Board is a v3.2 serial number=110


Going to try this for now.


This page hopefully all garbage. I cant get the input trigger to stop cutting out (happens at any rpm all the way to redline) no matter what I try.


Built an optical trigger. 12 teeth, set to coil type ignition. Use rising or falling edge makes no difference. Use filtering or not, makes no difference. Trigger drops out at any rpm, seems worse at low speed but not by much. Loose fuel pump, injectors and ign.

Is there anything config related that could cause vems to cut out that is not rpm related? Keeping in mind the test bench has no sensors hooked up at all, just a input trigger and fuel pump relay.

Next step will be to build some plug in motor to spin the trigger wheel since my drill batteries keep dying and turn it on and use a scope and follow the input trigger traces that are shared with VR and Hall type setups. If that fails, back to points and a carb since I messed up my optical trigger for my aftermarket ingnition.

Trying to use signalgen to trigger my board. Something isnt working and I dont know if it is me.

Unzipped signalgen-> open up windows cmd prompt-> typed cd unzipped\signalgen-> typed signalgen.exe c004 1740 200 65535 > c004_1740.wav-> I get a line describing all the parameters but noticed it says number of teeth 0 missing tooth 4, if I use c040 it reads 4 teeth and 0 trigger, either way, nothing happens. Also tried the example for the 60-2 wheel but no matter what, I get no output. I am plugging into the headphone port. Should I get noise out of the speakers too if nothing plugged into the headphone port? I checked voltage across the leads, (cut the wire off of some old speakers) and I get no voltage readings at all.

If I can get that part to work, I have a 10k resister across the input signal and gnd wires, assuming that should work.