This is MembersPage/EricN collection of links that I have found helpfull and ones I have found and am not sure how to find again.
Setting up 36-1 trigger Edge = rising Type = multitooth Filtering = Disabled TDC after the trigger (vr sensor) deg =?? Number of teeth on the wheel = 35 36-1 Trigger tooth = 1 Number one tooth after the missing one Next Trigger tooth = 18 Crank min period usec = 3000 (assuming a 4cyl that is 6000usec for a whole crank rotation, which is 10000 RPM) reset_engphase_after=decimal 216 (which is an arbitrary number for 720 crankdegrees, practical for 36 tooth wheel). The values below are in the same unit: Angular width of tooth = 3 (10 degrees) 360/36=10 Angular width of missing tooth = 6 (20 degrees)
wbo2_warmup_ramp=32 # 0x32 is extremely low, use 0xA0..0xFF wbo2_abs_limit=E4 # try to increase a bit, eg. 0xF0 wbo2_limit_maxt=A0 # try to increase to 0xFF wbo2_fallback=60 # try to increase to 0x80 # RPM constant. 3000 (0B,B8) is for 4cyl; 2000 (07,D0) is for 6cyl
Working config 1.0.18\n
primep=00 primep_temp_scaling=80 cwl=91 cwh=17 cranking_thres=02 awev=1C awev_temp_scaling=98 awc=FF warmup_clt_range[0]=00 warmup_clt_range[1]=14 warmup_clt_range[2]=28 warmup_clt_range[3]=3C warmup_clt_range[4]=50 warmup_clt_range[5]=64 warmup_clt_range[6]=78 warmup_clt_range[7]=8C warmup_clt_range[8]=AA warmup_clt_range[9]=C8 warmup_clt[0]=9A warmup_clt[1]=9A warmup_clt[2]=9A warmup_clt[3]=99 warmup_clt[4]=96 warmup_clt[5]=8A warmup_clt[6]=7D warmup_clt[7]=73 warmup_clt[8]=64 warmup_clt[9]=64 warmup_rpm_scale=FF req_fuel=5A This was double but I halved it as I noticed someone else was told to do so, then I plugged the change into Megatunes ve table editor and doubled the tables, is that right?? (tables.txt is below) divider=01 alternate=11 injopen=00 battfac=10 kpafac=34 kpaoffs=FC Not 100% sure I understand this one, I adjusted it so that megatune read the correct baro pressure. injocfuel=28 injrampup_battfac=FF injpwm=FF injpwmt=FF injpwm6=00 # RPM constant. 3000 (0B,B8) is for 4cyl; 2000 (07,D0) is for 6cyl rpmk[0]=07 rpmk[1]=D0 tpsdot_kpadot_conf=00 tpsdotrate[0]=05 tpsdotrate[1]=0E tpsdotrate[2]=20 tpsdotrate[3]=40 tpsaq[0]=08 tpsaq[1]=12 tpsaq[2]=17 tpsaq[3]=1B tps_thresh=04 tpsasync=05 acmult=85 tpsacold=20 tpsdq=64 decel_fuelcut_thres=1E overrun_fuelcut=37 overrun_fuelresume=37 rev_limit=38 airden_ignore=62 config11=59 config12=30 config13=02 batt_cal=A4 fastidle=C6 baro=64 dbaro=0C tps_low=00 tps_high=FF fan_temp=F1 fan_hyst=05 fan_channel=0F iac_step_seq=D8 iac_conf=72 Suspect I need to change something here if not using idle air control, only timing control, not sure what it should be iac_max_steps=46 iac_tps_thres=10 iac_cold_idle_temp=CA iac_warm_idle_temp=D0 iac_cold_rpm=5F iac_warm_rpm=46 iac_cold_start_pos=40 iac_warm_start_pos=0A iac_afterstart_rpm=05 iac_afterstart_duration=1E iac_afterstart_steps=0A iac_kp=0A iac_ki=14 iac_kd=2E iac_integral_speed=36 iac_integral_limit_dec=40 iac_integral_limit_inc=70 iac_integral_deadband=0A iac_deadband=05 iac_pid_conf=00 iac_overclose_interval=18 iac_ref_pos[0]=30 iac_ref_pos[1]=30 iac_ref_pos[2]=30 iac_ref_pos[3]=2F iac_ref_pos[4]=2B iac_ref_pos[5]=26 iac_ref_pos[6]=20 iac_ref_pos[7]=1B iac_ref_pos[8]=11 iac_ref_pos[9]=00 iac_sol_channel=FF iac_ign_advance_change=04 iac_ign_retard_change=04 iac_ign_advance_limit=20 iac_ign_retard_limit=20 iac_ign_threshold=28 ego_conf=07 ego_lag=01 ego_coolant=00 ego_maxtps=FF ego_maxmap=FF ego_minrpm=06 ego_maxrpm=FF ego_warmup=01 ego_lean_limit=28 ego_rich_limit=80 ego_pid_kp=25 mt_unused=00 ego_delta=01 ego_target=19 ego_pid_window=FF wbo2_warmup_ramp=9C wbo2_warmup_target=FF wbo2_abs_limit=E4 wbo2_limit_maxt=A0 wbo2_fallback=60 wbo2_retry_t=06 wbo2_edgetime_corr=BA wbo2_edgetime_min=50 wbo2_ri_target=96 wbo2_nernstdc_target=98 wbo2_pump_pw_zero=65 wbo2_calibration=BF wbo2_heater_pid_kp=45 wbo2_heater_pid_ki=11 wbo2_heater_pid_kd=1A wbo2_heater_pid_ilimit=81 wbo2_pump_pid_kp=15 wbo2_pump_pid_ki=4E wbo2_pump_pid_kd=00 wbo2_pump_pid_ilimit=FF wbo2_ri_confidence_scale=80 knock_conf=01 knock_sampling_window=E2 knock1_frequency=29 knock1_gain=14 knock1_integrator=11 knock2_frequency=00 knock2_gain=00 knock2_integrator=00 knock_threshold=50 knock_noise_scale=10 knock_max_retard=30 knock_default_retard=10 knock_retard_step=04 knock_retard_delay=10 knock_advance_step=02 knock_advance_delay=10 knock_minrpm=05 knock_maxrpm=FF ve_learn_coolant=D8 ve_learn_max_power=FF ve_learn_rpm_scale=1E ve_learn_kpa_scale=1E ve_learn_ego_scale=43 ve_learn_min_weight=4D ve_learn_speed=FF ve_learn_limit=FF ve_learn_conf=01 lcd_c0=07 lcd_delay=FF lcd_backlight=70 lcd_offs[0]=FF lcd_offs[1]=FF lcd_offs[2]=FF lcd_offs[3]=FF lcd_default_view=01 primary_trigger=01 secondary_trigger=02 tooth_wheel=17 trigger_tooth=01 another_trigger_tooth=04 crank_minper=0D tooth_wheel_twidth1=05 tooth_wheel_twidth2=19 cam_sync_r_edge_phase=8D cam_sync_f_edge_phase=21 reset_engphase_after=D8 ign_tdcdelay=8C ign_dwell14=2F ign_dwell6=B9 ign_crank_advance=28 ign_out=70 ignchmax=05 engine_off_delay=08 pump_on_mintime=08 fuelpump_channel=57 inj_stage2_rate=00 inj_stage2_start_tps=00 inj_stage2_start_map=00 als_lowrpm=00 als_maxtps=00 als_ignretard=00 als_rich=00 als_rev_limit=00 misc1out_minrpm=00 misc1out_maxrpm=00 misc1out_mintps=00 misc1out_maxtps=00 misc1out_minmap=00 misc1out_maxmap=00 misc1out_channel=FF misc2out_minrpm=00 misc2out_maxrpm=00 misc2out_mintps=00 misc2out_maxtps=00 misc2out_minmap=00 misc2out_maxmap=00 misc2out_channel=FF act_wot_rpm=FF act_wot_channel=FF act_rpm_rpm=FF act_rpm_channel=FF egt1_cal=FF egt1_offs=FF boost_conf=00 boost_targetoffs=00 boost_minpressure=00 boost_pid_kp=00 boost_pid_ki=00 boost_pid_kd=00 boost_pid_ilimit=00 boost_channel=FF water_pump_temp=00 hybrid_rpm_a=00 hybrid_rpm_m=00 water_pump_hyst=00 water_pump_channel=FF toothrel_normal=76 toothrel_missing=B5 fuelcut_min_kpa=10 fuelcut_max_kpa=FF tach_channel=6F tach_divider=7F
crank_minper=0D will work for a 6cyl. It mean that any measured time for 120 degrees period less than 13*16 usec is considered garbage.
The minimum time it takes the crank to do 120 degrees. The minimum time happens at maximum RPM, (eg. 7000 RPM)
I have a distributer with an optical sensor (eventually was going to end up in the truck anyways). Supply voltage to the sensor is 7 volts from the module. Connect the module and it is 1.24v. The output is 1.24v (while connected) when the window is blocked and 0 when it is not.
- Do I connect this just as if it was a Hall sensor?
- yes. the HALL input is designed for 0/5V signal, which is better than the 0 / 1.24V. Some hack might be needed to push down input threshold (offset with 2 resistors: onboard change or outside). Since - if going this way - you must change onboard jumper blobs anyway, don't assemble until you tested the input threshold to be around midway, that is 0.62V
- I realize I need to steal 7 volts from somewhere but seem to recall it is available on the board.
- not really. The max232's +8V (and -8V) are for 1..10mA or so, not for a module like this
- we use 3 diodes under the 78L05 (regulator) GND to make 7 volts. Optionally the regulator GND point can be connected to the midpoint of a 5k/2k (or so) resistor divider with a 5V regulator. See adjustable regulator's (LM317 ?) datasheet for hints. Don't forget 100..220nF caps from input and output. this page]for pinouts and wiring diagrams