Trigger setup for Audi S4, 5cyl Direct Fire engine
Audi 2,2T AAN engine
Now with orginal trigger
ECM: 3.3 #332
Modified to accept auditrigger
Scope messurements are done at ~200rpm
- added lm1815
- added 100k resistor at R182
- added wire, ec18pin12 to R90
- added blob at SJ7
also try to take a log with distributor unplugged, you should see 0x0A for each secondary trigger
Systematic secondary trigger debug.
The LM1815 has been removed twice from this board (likely unnecessarily). I suggest not to solder back the LM1815 (or remove anything else) until the actions are planned in wiki (preferrably ask on irc to get them reviewed by someone).
Visual review
I cannot spot anything suspicious:
We must examine (measure DC voltage with DVM, from GND and from 5V) the
- IC3 trace.
- LM1815pin12 output
- the SJ7, the jumper between IC3 and LM1815pin2
- measure the two sides of SJ7 if SJ7 not soldered
With the chip removed, or SJ7 unsoldered, IC3 must be pulled up to appr 4V (min 3V). This is done by 2 pullup resistors.
If IC3 voltage is less than 3V (not pulled up sufficiently),
- there might be something wrong with the cam-HALL input (grounded?).
- try to pull up IC3 to 5V through a 10k resistor, and measure voltage again (to see if it's strongly pulled towards GND, or just "not pulled up".)
The LM1815pin14 pulse you talked about (on irc: note that it's easy to misunderstand there) indicates that the LM1815pin3 pulse is sufficient (goes below 0V) to trigger the chip.
I find it likely that the HALL pulls the IC3 down, and therefore even when LM1815 releases pin12 output as it should, there is not voltage rise to 3V or above (to trigger the AVR input). Note that the LM1815 does not emit a positive output on pin12, just releases it (open-drain), therefore relies on external pullup. If something (like HALL input, or a solder bubble) "disables" our pullup, we cannot blame the LM1815 chip.
All sensors original except for map/iat: Bosch 0 281 002 437
Firmware 1.0.29 00:21
It turned out that the 135 tooth noise to the crankhome is inserted outside the ECM (with connector removed, it was still there), in the cable or ground.
Even if it might idle after some hacks, finally the noise from crank-VR must be eliminated, hints on InputTrigger/AudiTrigger/TestLM
It's unacceptable to use
- shared (between crankhome and 135 tooth crank)
- or nonshielded
- or badly shielded (eg both ends!) cable
- or bad ground
There is a problem under investigation: the LM1815pin3 is clamped at 0V (not at -0.3V) for some reason. Take pics, measure voltages on LM1815 pins. (supply too).
MembersPage/EmilMalmsten/AudiS/OldPage with 60-2 + camsync. Had runout and very little space to fix triggerwheel
See also