my car is a '95 audi S6 avant. the engine is 2226ccm in-line 5 with K26 turbo charger, front mounted intercooler and VEMS v3.x ECU with Motronic55 connector of course.
- For measurements, see VemsAudiAan
- pull in a few wires in a protecting tube through the firewall. At the minimum, 4 wires will be needed for the WBO2 (if WBO2 gets heater + supply from the engine bay), but usually it's a good idea to stuff as many extras as it fits (+4..6 extras are nice). These can be useful later for fuel pressure or other gizmos
- verify that you have the
- 6pin WBO2 connector
- SSC connector of proper pincount and sex
- enough wires; the more colors the better. Some might be thicker (for higher current, like WBO2 heater or power ign output later), some might be thinner (for analog signals or low current outputs like a small solenoid)
- pull-in-wire-aid that helps to pull in the wires
- some duct tape
- patience