Audi 5 cyl (firing order 1,2,4,5,3)
Trigger c010
- primtrig HALL 5 pulse on crank
- sectrig HALL 1 pulse on cam
Outputs (v3/20216 6 IGBT + 2 logiclevel)
important: Ignition
- old: M & W from IGBT outputs
- new: TFSI: logiclevel output for active coils
- Use: 4 stepper outputs + 1 logiclevel ignout
- eg. EC18/4,5,10,11 and EC36/11
Ignition outputs. IGBT outputs, for old install. BAD choice for active coils, see above ! See GenBoard/Manual/IgnitionOutput
Ign 1cyl EC36-pin33
Ign 2cyl EC-36pin34
Ign 3cylEC36-pin36
Ign 4cyl EC36-pin35
Ign 5cyl EC36-pin24
Hint: connect one output first, and test from VemsTune (ignition output testing). Make sure not to blow coils with misconfiguration (accidentally configuring as other output, activating output continuously)
Injector outputs. Order is weird (not in firing order)
inj cyl1, EC36-pin7, INJ-A
inj cyl2, EC36-pin20, INJ-D
inj cyl3, EC36-pin9, INJ-E
inj cyl4, EC36-pin19, INJ-B
inj cyl5, EC36-pin8, INJ-C
Inj+ EC36-pin23 flyback: good
TPS EC36-pin 1
TPS supply EC36-pin 29
TPS pin 1 ground
Sec trigger HALL pin1 EC36-pin13
Pri trigger HALL pin1 EC36-pin 27
EC36-pin 28sec-pri trigger pin2 +5v
Sec-Pri trigger pin3 ground
IAT EC36-pin2
IAT 2pin ground
CLT EC36-pin 14
CLT 2pin ground
Other outputs
NOT USED: ALS EC18-pin 16 (p259/1) ???
- solenoid connected to p259/1 might cause damage
- detail (resistance, max current ??) if in use, rethink
- prefer a free injector output (or ignition IGBT output)
RPM actuator output EC18-pin17 (inj-H)
- inj output should be safe, but is this shiftlight ?
- or variable intake solenoid ?
- what exactly ? Measured resistance ?
fuel pump relay EC36-pin15
- prefer a free injector output (or ignition IGBT output, or stepper output), p259 only as a last chance
WBO2 EC18-pin 7,13,18,9
WBO2 +12v 5A fuse
- EC36 pin 5,21,22,26,32 ground
- EC36-pin 25 vems supply +12v
gyujtas kivezerlest modositottam az ec18 pin 4,5,10,11 ec36 pin 11 .teszt modba van szikra,de viszont injektor kivezerles nincs teszt modba sem,a +12v-ot megkapja
Megoldodott a befecskendezes!
gyujtastrafo cikkszam:07K 905 715F
Beuzemeltuk az autot,indult mukodutt!mai nap laptop csatlakoztatva volt,gyujtas rajta es egyszer csak kiverte a biztositekot.azutan minden gyujtas raadasnal kiveri.minden jeladot levalasztottam mar az ugyan az a problema