Injector Setup
Standard TVR Injector size & timing parameters
I have estimated the size of Rover v8 injectors at around 220 cc/min. I have used just over middle-of-the-road values for opening times based on stuff found in the wiki [add link!!]
Does anyone have more accurate info? They aren't flow matched from the factory and are quite old, so given the tolerances for them reported on Piston Heads it'll do for now.
Probable New Injectors
Got a good price for some nice 600cc/min injectors. They are supplied with opening and closing parameters and flow matched to 1%. They're monumentally huge for my engine, but this gave me an idea...
Q What is the smallest pulsewidth VEMS can sensibly do? I'd like a reasonable idle!!
- 200 usec. less than 700usec are hardly useful. However if your injectors in the set open with slightly different times, you might need to supply rich (eg. lambda=0.8) to one cyl to have the other burn at all (eg. lambda < 1.1).
- Good. The minimum pulse I'm likely to need with the big injectors is 1400 usec. Plenty of tolerance there!
Q Has anyone made an engine that only fuels only when the intake valve is open? I'll be doing this for 90% of the rev-range if I go for these injectors.
Q Can you adjust the phasing of the injection events currently? (I suppose, as long as the finish point of injection is fixed same then I can simply use the "degrees before TDC" crank trigger parameter to fool it into doing what I want (confirmed) It would maybe be nice to coincide the injection pulse to the maximum lift on the valve.
Injector firing order & h Table setup
Firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2.
I will be running banks of 2 injectors (so there are 4 banks) until I get the cam trigger working (this can't be done until my coils arrive).
Q: Is the correct way of doing this to repeat the group of 4 items in the h[0] table?
A: I would configure them sequential anyway (drive one injector at a time) instead of banked. On the 4 and 6cyl engines i've tuned that has worked the best. Also when you have wired this way you are free to change to low-z injectors any time, also configure them banked if you really want to//Emil
Agreed that sequential is best. I just can't have it yet as I have no cam sync signal at the moment (only have crank trigger), so can't tell which phase the engine is in.
Q: Does it actually matter if there's no camsync - will VEMS fire 2 injectors anyway if it can't find a camsync?
A: Yep this works fine without camsync, just set up alternate injector 7...0 and fill in the injector table with all outputs, 0x01 to 0x80
Injector wiring was completed & tested last night. It looks better than the factory wiring!
Also took the time to hoover out the soil and powdered grot from engine. (Best not to ask...) It looks a whole lot cleaner now.
I removed the old engine wiring loom after the injectors were shown to work. This might be considered rash. Indeed it was, because it stopped the fuel pump and starter working! Even though they weren't supposed to be connected to that part of the loom!! It seems TVR re-used part of the Rangerover loom, including where the rangerover immobiliser plugged in. (This was bypassed for the TVR immobiliser) It took 3 hours in the cold and dark evening to trace the 2 all black wires I needed to reconnect as they were mixed in with grounds and all sorts.
Now the hazzard lights and heater have stopped working. I haven't even touched those systems! (Maybe a 2nd genboard to control the heater & stuff???)
I suppose the moral here is don't do anything like this if you need the car the next day!!
Low Z and High Z comments
Me:Low-Z injectors seem expensive and quite rare to me as they only seem to be used on Japanese cars. I'll be sticking with high Z ones as they're easy to get.
Answer: I was lost in the small but high powered 4 cyl turbo world, where we usually get aftermarket injectors (500CC/min and up), and good large injectors are always low-z.
Me: My other car is a modified Impreza STi RA with 550cc/min low-z injectors... The Griffith will survive with 400cc/min high impedance still can be fuelled to >350 bhp.
Answer: BTW, Feel free to join the IRC chat, see ChatViaIrc page
Latest Config File (20/03/06)\n
primep=0A primep_temp_scaling=A0 cwl=55 cwh=14 cranking_thres=03 awev=14 awev_temp_scaling=A0 awc=AF warmup_clt_range[0]=00 warmup_clt_range[1]=14 warmup_clt_range[2]=28 warmup_clt_range[3]=3C warmup_clt_range[4]=50 warmup_clt_range[5]=64 warmup_clt_range[6]=78 warmup_clt_range[7]=8C warmup_clt_range[8]=AA warmup_clt_range[9]=C8 warmup_clt[0]=A0 warmup_clt[1]=A0 warmup_clt[2]=A0 warmup_clt[3]=A0 warmup_clt[4]=96 warmup_clt[5]=8C warmup_clt[6]=82 warmup_clt[7]=7A warmup_clt[8]=73 warmup_clt[9]=64 warmup_rpm_scale=DD req_fuel=9B divider=01 alternate=17 injopen=03 battfac=13 kpafac=7E kpaoffs=7E injocfuel=32 injrampup_battfac=FF injpwm=FF injpwmt=FF injpwm6=CC rpmk[0]=05 rpmk[1]=DC tpsdot_kpadot_conf=00 tpsdotrate[0]=05 tpsdotrate[1]=14 tpsdotrate[2]=28 tpsdotrate[3]=4D tpsaq[0]=02 tpsaq[1]=04 tpsaq[2]=05 tpsaq[3]=0D tps_thresh=9A tpsasync=01 acmult=64 tpsacold=00 tpsdq=64 decel_fuelcut_thres=14 overrun_fuelcut=14 overrun_fuelresume=14 rev_limit=32 airden_ignore=62 config11=71 config12=30 config13=02 batt_cal=A4 fastidle=80 baro=64 dbaro=0C tps_low=00 tps_high=FF fan_temp=F1 fan_hyst=09 fan_channel=77 iac_step_seq=C9 iac_conf=4C iac_max_steps=EA iac_tps_thres=05 iac_cold_idle_temp=BF iac_warm_idle_temp=CF iac_cold_rpm=5A iac_warm_rpm=50 iac_cold_start_pos=64 iac_warm_start_pos=B4 iac_afterstart_rpm=0A iac_afterstart_duration=28 iac_afterstart_steps=00 iac_kp=14 iac_ki=01 iac_kd=01 iac_integral_speed=0A iac_integral_limit_dec=06 iac_integral_limit_inc=19 iac_integral_deadband=0F iac_deadband=0A iac_pid_conf=00 iac_overclose_interval=0A iac_ref_pos[0]=C8 iac_ref_pos[1]=C8 iac_ref_pos[2]=C8 iac_ref_pos[3]=C8 iac_ref_pos[4]=C8 iac_ref_pos[5]=C8 iac_ref_pos[6]=C8 iac_ref_pos[7]=C8 iac_ref_pos[8]=C8 iac_ref_pos[9]=DC iac_sol_channel=FF iac_ign_advance_change=50 iac_ign_retard_change=50 iac_ign_advance_limit=00 iac_ign_retard_limit=00 iac_ign_threshold=08 ego_conf=06 ego_lag=01 ego_coolant=00 ego_maxtps=FF ego_maxmap=FF ego_minrpm=05 ego_maxrpm=3C ego_warmup=15 ego_lean_limit=40 ego_rich_limit=08 ego_pid_kp=28 mt_unused=00 ego_delta=03 ego_target=19 ego_pid_window=FF wbo2_warmup_ramp=9C wbo2_warmup_target=FF wbo2_abs_limit=E4 wbo2_limit_maxt=A0 wbo2_fallback=60 wbo2_retry_t=06 wbo2_edgetime_corr=BA wbo2_edgetime_min=50 wbo2_ri_target=96 wbo2_nernstdc_target=9C wbo2_pump_pw_zero=64 wbo2_calibration=BB wbo2_heater_pid_kp=45 wbo2_heater_pid_ki=11 wbo2_heater_pid_kd=1A wbo2_heater_pid_ilimit=81 wbo2_pump_pid_kp=15 wbo2_pump_pid_ki=4E wbo2_pump_pid_kd=00 wbo2_pump_pid_ilimit=FF wbo2_ri_confidence_scale=80 knock_conf=00 knock_sampling_window=FF knock1_frequency=28 knock1_gain=FF knock1_integrator=FF knock2_frequency=29 knock2_gain=FF knock2_integrator=FF knock_threshold=FF knock_noise_scale=FF knock_max_retard=FF knock_default_retard=00 knock_retard_step=FF knock_retard_delay=FF knock_advance_step=FF knock_advance_delay=FF knock_minrpm=FF knock_maxrpm=FF ve_learn_coolant=9B ve_learn_max_power=FF ve_learn_rpm_scale=64 ve_learn_kpa_scale=64 ve_learn_ego_scale=64 ve_learn_min_weight=05 ve_learn_speed=FF ve_learn_limit=40 ve_learn_conf=01 lcd_c0=FF lcd_delay=11 lcd_backlight=FF lcd_offs[0]=FF lcd_offs[1]=FF lcd_offs[2]=FF lcd_offs[3]=FF lcd_default_view=00 primary_trigger=01 secondary_trigger=02 tooth_wheel=23 trigger_tooth=00 another_trigger_tooth=09 crank_minper=75 tooth_wheel_twidth1=03 tooth_wheel_twidth2=06 cam_sync_r_edge_phase=3C cam_sync_f_edge_phase=50 reset_engphase_after=D8 ign_tdcdelay=74 ign_dwell14=18 ign_dwell6=20 ign_crank_advance=14 ign_out=70 ignchmax=00 engine_off_delay=06 pump_on_mintime=0B fuelpump_channel=57 inj_stage2_rate=FF inj_stage2_start_tps=FF inj_stage2_start_map=FF als_lowrpm=FF als_maxtps=FF als_ignretard=FF als_rich=FF als_rev_limit=64 misc1out_minrpm=FF misc1out_maxrpm=FF misc1out_mintps=FF misc1out_maxtps=FF misc1out_minmap=FF misc1out_maxmap=FF misc1out_channel=FF misc2out_minrpm=FF misc2out_maxrpm=FF misc2out_mintps=FF misc2out_maxtps=FF misc2out_minmap=FF misc2out_maxmap=FF misc2out_channel=FF act_wot_rpm=FF act_wot_channel=36 act_rpm_rpm=FF act_rpm_channel=FF egt1_cal=49 egt1_offs=00 boost_conf=00 boost_targetoffs=00 boost_minpressure=FF boost_pid_kp=20 boost_pid_ki=80 boost_pid_kd=01 boost_pid_ilimit=FF boost_channel=FF water_pump_temp=F9 hybrid_rpm_a=00 hybrid_rpm_m=00 water_pump_hyst=19 water_pump_channel=67 toothrel_normal=B5 toothrel_missing=76 fuelcut_min_kpa=0E fuelcut_max_kpa=FF tach_channel=0F tach_divider=01 shiftcut_conf=00 shiftcut_channel=FF shiftcut_time=01
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