With this solution you can fast open low z injectors and fast close(30V flyback) but with 30% pwm(low energy losses on flyback transistor).
- diode : I use by500-1000 (cheap, fast)
- I put zener diode on vems board 30V transient protection diode (1k5E30 diode from WebShop)
- so when pwm is activated, current flow throo active flyback, but when injector needs to close, 30V high voltage flyback inside VEMS does the clamping
mcell9 yes, the sch on your wiki page is drawn in a confusing way
mwfire i have pcb for smd componets (1206)
mwfire but pcb is trial to made new
Same schematic, but drawn in a slightly confusing way:
When pwm last, flyback voltage is 0.3-1.5V(depending of schottky diode and mosfet(irf9540))
Bad thing is, you must have one of thise flyback for every injector.
Assembled board(missing 2 zener diodes, i bought two too few)
That board was tested on lpg injectors(landi renzo, 0.9ohm) and working well.