VW wasted spark transformer ? Szama ? Erosaramu bemenetei vannak, Logikai szintu ?
Ignition outputs (gyujtás kimenetek)
- EC36pin34 (ch2) cyl1,4 ????? use EC36pin35 (channel0) if you need logiclevel
- EC36pin36 (ch3) cyl2,3 ????? logiclevel, good.
We still need to find out the current requirement of VW transformer.
CONNECTION is SURELY BAD if this is 4 IGBT device (99%)
4+4: 4 IGBT + 4 logic-level output: namely channel0=EC36pin35, channel3=EC36pin36, channel5=EC36pin12 and channel7=EC36pin10 are logic-level
so channel2 is poweroutput, and channel3 is logiclevel.
Merd meg a DC szintet (bekapcsolt tapnal, allo motornal) +12V-hoz kepest; ird ide az eredmenyt. (ha 0V, akkor erosaramu a kimenet csak epp inaktiv; ha -12V, akkor logikai szintu, es eppen 0V-ot ad ki!)
ignition sequence: .. .. .. ..