It would be nice if VEMS will support something like this:
-Boost Control (and fail safe-i.e. if the Motronic sees that it cannot control Boost the it switches the Boost valve and i only run with the safe Wastegated 0.5 Bar)
-EGT Ignition Retard and/or Boost Control so if the EGT is too high the System will take Care of it.
-Intake Temperature Sensor ckeck so it could also retard timing if the IAT will be too High.
- What do you think about this? In the Stock Motronic if the Temp is above a temp it retards timing to prevent detonation.
I know that the Safe-Safe option i would like are too many but i think these option are the ones that Holding many people away in installing Stand Alone Systems. The Car will also be Used from others that are not allways with their eyes on the Gauges.
Something also Very nice would be that when we have th ecar running well with all the sensors etc to let the system Log the sensor inputs for lets say 10 minutes (with all king of driving-Full-part throttle and stop-go) and then have it save the sensor inputs. If it read other inputs than these it could log the Sensors as Defectige so if something dont work at one point as it should we could have some kind of Diagnosis.