MembersPage/BillHart/WinMobileLogger (2006-01-16 16:42:17)

I am working with a friend to generate data recording capability on Win Mobile PDA platforms. Data will be stored in memory or in Fat16/32 on the PDA's memory card.

The shell code is done and running on a simulator. We are about to add SIPR to the shell so that we can request and log real data.

SerialComm/SIPR should be uptodate (and apparently complete). For the config positions, parsing global.h is necessary. In the future, slcan packet-wrapping will be the standard ("Mac" command), that allows multiple devices on the bus. But implementing sipr first is a good idea, you will be able to upgrade easily.

The Win Moble app is writing to the memory card It is now time to request data from a (now working) V3.3 board. Does anyone have any example code which uses the SIPR protocol? I would be helpful to have an example if one exists. Perhaps someone has code used to test SIPR functionality.

A: Unfortunately no open source code of a SIPR protocol program is released yet.

I just received my V3.3 board and, once firmware is loaded, I will begin testing. Once baseline functionality is confirmed, I will upload the code for others to try.

A: Tonight, a updated user friendly megatune package with firmare will be releases, 1.0.30, with simple .bat files for firmware upgrade through serial port