Will install a 2.8l Volvo B23 bottom with a B234F head.
Changes in engine:
Bigger bore (2.8 litres)
Stronger timing belt
Tilton clutch
Lightened flyheel
VEMS v3.6
Ser No: 3602
LCD and PS/2
Knock: 1
EGT: 1
Flyback: 30v
Primary Trigger: VR
Sec: Hall
MAP: 300 kPa
Picture of the engine:
Here is a plate/adapter that I have made for the new TPS to fit.
Using a TPS from Volvo 960/850 Bosch 0 280 122 001 :
Will be using VAG COPs:
I am using a solid flywheel from a B23 that is lighten a little bit. Unfortunately there is no trigger on that. So we have taken that off a B230ET automatic "flywheel" below:
Before welding, used only fingers to center it :-)
Welded and done:
Looks like this clutch surface need som attention:
Painted the welds and trigger plate as well:
Just after turning:
The triggerholes now came about 12mm offset from original ones. So we needed to make a spacer for that. will be laser cut:
Well now we have completed the crank trigger. Here is how we made the camshaft trigger. Took a camshaft trigger and distributor from a B230ET so we get the HALL sensor:
Removed all but one trigger-teeth, the one left is now triggin' somewhere between cylinder 4 and 2s TDC (the firing order is 1-3-4-2):
Also cut the axle since we dont need it when not using the distributor:
Now there should be a nice cover over that :-)
Maybe something like this: