MembersPage/BerndBAan (2024-05-21 07:25:47)

Home build genboard 3.8b, SN: 11034

While driving, ignition misfires suddenly occurred from 5500 rpm when the boost pressure started, the lambda value went to 0.65.

I then checked the lambda calibration and it was out of range. Previously I had the calibration value of 161 and now I had to set it to 208 to get to 20.9%. Now I'm not sure whether my lambda control is working properly. To test this, I measured all the values.

GND to Pump- : 4,04V

Pump+ to Pump- : 0,611V

Nernst to Pump- : 0.939V

I try to adjust Pump-pw-zero and wbo2_nernst_dc_target, i changed the values in vemstune, but on the multimeter nothing changed.

The sensor heating works proberly.

I think the problem was triggered by a defective fuel pump relay and interrupted the flyback while driving. Is it possible that the two ICs U7 and/or U17 (LM324) have been damaged?


Home build genboard 3.8b, SN: 21528

I build the board with Auditrigger.

Primary trigger signal works perfect

But no secondary trigger signal. Can you check my board configuration?

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