Home build genboard 3.8b, SN: 21528
I build the board with Auditrigger.
Primary trigger signal works perfect
- SJ6 closed (primtrig VR)
- R30 = 1802 (18k, good)
- 135 cranktooth to EC36-27
But no secondary trigger signal. Can you check my board configuration?
- SJ7 closed (sectrig VR or auditrigger, good)
- 2nd LM1815 installed
- SJ4 middle and bottom closed
- R248 = 2701 (2k7 pullup)
- Q13 = BC817
- 62 BTDC connected to JP20
- Hall sensor to EC36-13
- Instead of HALL sensor, please connect the EC36/13 to GND temporarily as a test. That will deactivate the BC817 (NPN transistor) and allow the 2nd LM1815 signal output to reach main processor. (although both pulses will reach the processor, one of which should be filtered normally)
- It is possible that the HALL window is not at the correct position (around the crankhome-pulse "Z?ndzeitpunkt") as on InputTrigger/AudiTrigger
- 2 channel scope needed to verify this easily, but the above test will give a good hint.
<a href="https://ibb.co/Xb9B8Jy"><img src="" alt="20210301-101635" border="0"></a>
<a href="https://ibb.co/51QgY1C"><img src="" alt="20210301-101651" border="0"></a>
<a href="https://ibb.co/N26xYRQ"><img src="" alt="20210301-101803" border="0"></a>