Axel Wall, Sweden
Volvo 245 -87
Engine specifications:
- B23 2,3L 4 cyl.
- B230FK intake manifold
- B230ET injectors (300cc@3 bar, low-Z)
- B230F exhaust (so far..)
- Head milled 4mm, and the block 0,9mm. 0,725mm squish.
- CR: 15 to 1 (????? is this right ?) -Yes :) I am going to use ethanol, and try to get as much out of it as possible.
- 6.5 kg flywheel
- Saab 900T pressure plate
- Pistons and rods weighted, +/- 0,05g
- Balanced crank, pullies, flywheel and pressure plate
- Coils are BMW COP 0,9 ohm, Direct fire.
- Adjustable cam gear.
Ignition and trigger setup
EC36 pins:
- EC36pin35 - ch0 - coil 1
- EC36pin33 - ch1 - coil 4
- EC36pin34 - ch2 - coil 2
- EC36pin36 - ch3 - coil 3
h[2]= 02 01 03 00 02 01 03 00
Trigger wheel:
- 44-2 crank trigger with VR
- Drilled into flywheel
- Stock was 44-4, 2 missing at each side
Cam sync:
- An half circle on the "cam gear" (same gear ratio as camshaft) that drives the oil pump (and previously the distributor too) Indstrial style inductive sensor, connected as Hall.
- Rising edge 90 degrees before TDC @ cyl #1 (combustion)
- R-024 std. compilation.
Genboard configuration
[tables.txt] and [config.txt] (Updated 2005-09-27)
Current problems:
- how to set the cam sync up?
Previous problems
- The ignition dont work too good.. cyl 1, 2 and 4 fire when cyl 1 and 4 is at BDC (2 at TDC, all at the same time) cyl 3 dont fire. Should i maybe put coil #1 and #4 on EC36-pin 35, and #2 and #3 on EC36-pin 33? and compile without IGN_DUALOUT? ORE, set up with cam-sync? fully seq, and Direct Fire?
- the channel assignment seems good for IGN_DUALOUT. What compiler do you use? Firing 3 outputs simultaneously is really strange (isn't there a HW problem?).
- Parallel connection of the 0.9 Ohm coils can easily ruin the drivers if dwell is configured too high. But if you measure coil (DC-average) current (in function of RPM and VBatt) and take care not to overdrive, it could work. In that case, connect the 2 channels (so 2 ign outputs, eg. ch0 and ch1 are connected, and this drives 2 coil-inputs, coil1 and coil4 that are also connected) in parallel, so firwmare fires one ign output at one time and the other ign-output the other time. This will half the load on one particular IGBT. ignchmax=03 of course.
- The ignition seems to work now! I think it was the bad trigger who made it so strange... and some faultyness in config..
- I tried to connect the coils in parallel, but it only resulted in that the drivers stayed on, with burned fuses as an result. 2 coils on one driver worked, but I think it can be a little bit to mutch fore the drivers..
- The "false trigger counter" at LCD is counting up every revitation when cranking, maybe because of the strange 44-2 wheel?
- the 44-2 should not be a problem if tooth_wheel=2A (decimal 42) and if the VR polarity is good. See InputTrigger/TriggerLog. 2..3 wheel-error at cranking is not a big problem, if otherwise everything is OK.
- Trigger is working! I put an 100K in series with a cap, according to Emil's instructions, changed the shielding and changed some things in config. now it counts 1-2 wheel-errors at the first crank, so it's working perfectly :)
- the 44-2 should not be a problem if tooth_wheel=2A (decimal 42) and if the VR polarity is good. See InputTrigger/TriggerLog. 2..3 wheel-error at cranking is not a big problem, if otherwise everything is OK.
- The injectors stay open, and I could measure 1.65 V over the injectors, they close when I turn the ECU off.
- this sounds a bit bad. Is it possible that the ECM was running without proper flyback or GND5 connection for some time ?
- is it possible you compiled a firmware without "MY_CONF += -D FETDRIVER_INVERTING" in my_make ?
- Yes, that is posible... I will check that too.
- are you using FETdrivers ?
- I use the std. injector drivers.
- The injectors worked for a while (I think...), the fuelcut above (kPa) was set at 0 too.. BUT! now the injectors stay open again, measuring 12V across the injector.. I realy need to check the Flyback. But the FET's dont ground when the ECU is switched off.. I'm verry sure that the ground is good, and have always been. Fly I will check twice tomorrow..
- Flyback was working as it should, but I smoked 2 injectors, because I didn't remember that the INJFET-x settings fore coolant fan and IAC points to the H (0) table :( So I had to put the spare injectors in, see above in engine spec.