My page in Russian
Map sampling 1ms (best) or 2ms (good too).
map_processing() every event (best), or every rev (good too)
//sensor_filt[MAP] = 2 * map_samples_summ / map_samples_count;
void map_processing(void)
{uint16_t t16;
uint32_t t32;
t16 = div_65535_x(map_samples_count);
t32 = mult16_16(map_samples_summ,t16);
sensor_filt[MAP] = t32 >> 15;
map_samples_summ = 0;
map_samples_count = 0;
}has about 3us execute CPU time
vbatt, clt, mat with freq faster than 10Hz - waste of CPU time. I think 4Hz is enough.