MembersPage/Akos/AudiAbz/TriggerSetup (2007-07-29 11:55:56)

Subpage of MembersPage/Akos/AudiAbz

Originally it was falsely reported

that trigger system is InputTrigger/AudiTrigger with

primary trigger

secondary trigger

It turned out

there is no crankhome-VR, and the

primary trigger

secondary trigger

Unfortunately the ECU was ordered with secondary_trigger=VR that needs VR sectrig to work. Modification so it would work with HALL trigger is possible (see GenBoard/Manual/InputTriggerHardWare), only a solderblob needs to be removed, but disassemble+assemble might take 40 mins.

Likely the 8 ignition coils will originally be driven with ign_dualout, so the 60-2 primary trigger is enough to run the engine.