LogAnalysis/PowerCompare (2007-06-04 14:56:06)

It is very easy to calculate dRPM / dt, which is proportionate to torque. However, when doing tuning runs, you want to be able to compare the result after changes (like changes in ignadv).

Analyzing the logged runs, in RPM-bins, in a similar way as lambda, VE and ignadvn is tuned is very helpful. Something like this (except for real data, and colored nicely):

MAP 110 140 170
ignadv 24 25 27
EGT(C) 552 603 612
lambda 0.820.81 0.8
torque dRPM/dt 1600 3100 3900

RPM => power calculation is very simple

Some of the input parameters are often estimated though (a well known such parameter: m=mass, you can measure that too, of course)

dRPM/dt => Nm (torque) calculation

So (with the 1600kg audi in gear2) what is the const in the torque=const * dRPM/dt to get the result in Nm ?