In case of bug reports please do not forget to write
- VemsTune version
- V3 firmware version.
- Zip and publish your saved config (vemscfg) and Tools/firmware/config download when appropriate.
- "Review Mode" like in Megatune, makes it easy to check/adjust all of the settings efficiently.
Enhanced ergonomics:
- A SAVE Project button so that offline project adjustments can be made for customers and then emailed to them.
I would still like to maintain functionality with MegaLogViewer MSQ importing for auto VE calculation.
- Is it possible to change the export of any single dimensional array to 'rows' instead of 'cols'?
- data would need to be terminated with a 'line return', and not just a 'space'
- 'warmup_clt_bins' has an improper unit, needs to be "C"
- ultimately need a way to import veTable from MSQ. Can this be added to work like the table import for .vemscfg?
- I have the same problem(0.9.85)
- Could it be possible to add a background to the gauges?
- Currently not. Need some implement.
- I think of a simple object like jpg/bmp image? (example Kevlar background)
- If we type in the firing order could the value of injector and ignition table be automatic generated if using standard inj A = cyl 1. inj B = cyl 2 same with ign. nice job -Peter
- I tried to configure 3D editing keys same as MT was. It work until two-three last releases (now 0.10.0 (2009.10.02)). Now Ctrl+Shift+up/down changes 3D window height instead increase/decrease in big steps. -GintsK
Upload stuff without using any menu-s
An installer says: "When a customer has problems I like to be able to send finished mtt files to him, these can then be sent with command line tools or if he has communication problems I help him with bray over the phone"
Finished files make a lot of sense. It was planned that one would send project file, where the RIGHT firmware and/or config can be uploaded with 1..2 clicks (not lost in menu-s).
Note that the vemstune over the network will be very useful in many cases, but dealers still need a way to prepare project / vemscfg files (in a documented way!) that can be uploaded extremely quickly (without using menu-s) by a computer-illiterate child supported over the phone.
- Remote tune over TCP connection feature is in integration/testing phase, planned to work only in newest firmware only with SIPR protocol.
- How can I add new gauges (especially knock_cyl_0_knock_val) to VemsTune and how Can I log it? I have tried to put vemsv3.ini, vemstune-v3-1.1.27.ini, GaugeSymbols?.xml but no success.
- __Can I log it?__ I think you mean how can I convert it to csv (*.vemslog contains all raw data).
- To convert it to CSV you have to edit manually the appropriate *.ini (for example: vemstune-v3-1.1.27.ini) and go to __[Datalog]__ section and add new __entry__ to it.
Firmware Version
- Can not find the new function (wheelspeed, wheelspeed-based launch and the new knock-threshold-map) in 1.1.61 non ps2 in VemsTune when i make a new empty project.
- I found a new row in the defaultfirmwareconfig directory in the new 0.10.0 VemsTune called CompileOptions: 0000001B, and loaded into VemsTune, the program showed the Mics Output new settings. I played it with a bit, but not got any logics. With ff it shows the alternate knock settings to. How this varible work???
How do I get 1.0.79 to work with the current version VemsTune?
However, for kpa_conf=42 the table bins need fixing !
- if VT sees "MAP sensor range unit"=4 at VT startup, it will only use 0-255 for table kpa bins (bad placement of the dot !)
Serial connectivity
-The sd card datalog files lenghts should show in "min:sec" format, not only in seconds format like now.