In case of bug reports please do not forget to write VemsTune version and V3 version
!V3 related
- VemsTune 4-24 and 5-18 versions. V3 fw 1.52.2. Laptop PC using Windows XP, serial port.
- Program "flashes" every 3-4 seconds. Sometimes will not allow me to type in numbers for a setting(inj. deadtime, 4 digits) without "flashing" and setting goes back to old number.
- Program freezes up on occasion, I will try to document the specific instances.(KevinBlack)
!Round related
- From version 4-24, VemsTune will not re-start after setting the device to "round"(KevinBlack)
VemsTune Suggestions, some are already implimented:
Simple Keystrokes. Autronic is by far easiest.
- "Escape" opens one of the drop-down menus (ALT in Vemstune-good)
- Then "Left/Right Arrows" to move to different setions - DONE
- "Hold Shift/Move Arrows" to copy cells in Tables - DONE
- Suggest using "+ -" for increase/decrease, and hold "CTRL" for larger change. Seems easier than "Q W E R" keys.
- Use "Page Up/Page Down" keys to move from one sub-menu item to another. Example: VE Table - Page Down to IGN Table - Page Down to Lambda Table.
- "Review Mode" like in Megatune, makes it easy to check/adjust all of the settings efficiently.
- Incorporate a tool to "fix the ecu" when stuck in Boot loader mode. PSITuner is good for this.
- Tool for Generate Trigger (does this work? Could use for testing outputs)
- Some way to either split screen with MegaLogViewer, or a simple key to "Toggle" between VemsTune and Megalogviewer.(KevinBlack)