InputTrigger/MitsubishiTrigger (2005-06-06 08:46:41)

This Mitsubishi has a HALL trigger on the camsync.


The trigger is Coil type (one pulse per event ), but alternating positive and negative to distinguish 1-4 and 2-3 cylinders (are you sure?).

Somewhere we apparently have a a series capacitor (input highpass filter !!! ) that causes the very characteristic sharktooth signal.


The signal is currently processed with LM1815 and series condenser so it is theoretically universal considering trigger type (hall and VR). In 50% of cases, LCD displays right value, otherwise rough half of proper RPM.

if we reconstruct the original signal, we can see that

(or the other way around)

Note that

Find the correct cyl:

Any ideas, how to condition the signal?

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