InTake/ThrottlePlates/VAGPassiveThrottle (2010-12-20 10:38:26)

Subpage of InTake/DriveByWireThrottle

Kevin sent the following information:

It is for the VW/Audi cars made from 1996-1999. Drive by Cable.

It is a small electric motor and gear that turns a larger gear, that opens the actual throttle plate up to ~15%,

and it can also actually *close the throttle plate farther than it's resting position as well.

I have tried to use a PWM to control this, but the throttle plate movement is "weak".

For example, I can have it slightly open, and take my finger and physically move the plate, and it will not "self correct".

This translates to the engine speed fluctuates greatly, and proper control is impossible.


yes, because from the schematic it looks like +12V and -12V bidirectional drive is needed on the motor to move one direction or the other

This units operates OK at 100% open, and it will close to the resting position when the DC is 0%. But everything in between is bad.

(And I don't know how to close the plate from it's resting position to lower the idle from base)


Finally, there is an "Idle Circuit" that I cannot use, because it is wired (internally) to make the TPS% go to "100%"

when connected.

This means that the TPS% moves when the IAC is active.

Wishlist summation:

Let me know what you think, and if you have any experience with this unit.

No experience yet, but we should definitely get this type going (and work well).

Please measure current, and try to confirm that reverse driving voltage closes it (try to be careful, and use fuses).