Subpage of HungarianElectoralFraudDatamining
109 files related to
where results were radically different 6 weeks ago (an election because of death of representative), when there was no sign of immense technical manipulation of election data.
Download the data and run the program yourself. Needs review (prepared in a hurry), comparison and analysis.
- 27972 ; fidesz - magyar polgÁri szÖvetsÉg-keresztÉnydemokrata nÉppÁrt
- 12929 ; jobbik magyarorszÁgÉrt mozgalom
- 5559 ; magyar szocialista pÁrt-pÁrbeszÉd magyarorszÁgÉrt pÁrt
- 3206 ; lehet mÁs a politika
- 1999 ; demokratikus koalÍciÓ
egyéni: 55018
- 28846 ; Lázár János fidesz-kdnp
- 19930 ; dr. kiss attila JOBBIK
- 4089 ; rója istván mszp-pÁrbeszÉd
- 907 ; pongrácz gergely LMP
- 694 ; farkas tamás mkkp
Reported sum does not seem to contradict the district values
- of course, drastically different from the election 6 weeks before (when the secret weapon of electoral data manipulation was not applied at large).
55709 / 77985 = 71.44%
- SUM: 77985 ; SUMS_ae
- SUM: 195 ; SUMS_al
- SUM: 0 ; SUMS_be
- SUM: 0 ; SUMS_bl
- SUM: 0 ; SUMS_ee
- SUM: 0 ; SUMS_el
- SUM: 55709 ; SUMS_fe
- SUM: 195 ; SUMS_fl
- SUM: 907 ; SUMS_ge
- SUM: 907 ; SUMS_gl
- SUM: 872 ; SUMS_ie
- SUM: 55458 ; SUMS_ke
- SUM: -56 ; SUMS_le
- SUM: 440 ; SUMS_me
- SUM: 55018 ; SUMS_ne
- SUM: 7 ; SUMS_oe
- lowercase keys are used by the program internally, to canonize data (avoid inconvenience related to upper/lower case differences).
- original case of some accented characters. ugly, but no significance.