GenBoard/VerThree/RescueKit (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

Since GenBoard/VerThree allows much customizations, you'll find a so called rescue kit which contains about 100 components

Important Warning: connect all grounds (GND and GND5, sometimes marked as powerGND or PGND) before applying power. Otherwise the board will be damaged.

Rescue1 kit

Rescue2 - capacitors and 2 zener diodes

Capacitors don't have text on them, so ways to tell their value:

Rescue2 v0.06:

3*1n 0805 50V paper

5*10n 0805 50V paper

4*100n 0805 50V paper

8*220n 0805 50V paper

3*1u 0805 25V trans (tall)

2*2.2u 0805 16V trans (tall)

1*10u 1210 35V trans (huuuge!!)

1*10u 1206 10V trans

2*1u 1206 50V trans

2*5V1 SOD80 zener diode (not capacitor) Added protection (eg. D14) for HALL trigger input setup

Update your printed list if you use some parts, so you can keep track.

See also: GenBoard/VerThree/RescueKitOld for old resuekit versions for more info