Acceleration Enrichment (Transient Fuel)
Our current accel enrichment is showing poor drivabiliy issues because the engine's acceleration requirements change with engine speed.
This is especially noticable on smaller (<2000cc) engines where users have complained about the fact they can get the enrichment correct at lower speeds, but then get issues with the engine bogging through being too rich at higher RPM.
Suggested Solution
Accel Enrichment Duration is calculated based on RPM, and scaled by dV/dT.
Accel Duration
Accel_RPM[0...3] defines the RPM break-points
Accel_Duration[0...3] defines the duration in mS corresponding to Accel_RPM.
TPS Scaling
DV/DT[0...3] defines throttle change speed break-points (in the same method that we currently use).
Scaling[0...3] biased at 100% so that enrichment values can be tuned with a fast TPS change speed, then scaled down for slower speeds. Or with slow speeds and scale them up to suit faster TPS change speeds.
I´m seeing the same issues, even with a 2500cc engine, MembersPage/GunnarReynisson
For clarity the previous information has been moved to