GenBoard/OrderPage (2006-01-14 14:48:13)

The amazing GenBoard v3.0 ECM is in the component-groupbuy and manufacturing (small test-batch of 20..28 pieces) before we can send a bigger series v3.1 PCB in. For details like schematic and PCB look at HardwarePage/UnderDevelopment

There is an [online order-page] being set up (expect precise product-info at about 2004.03.17) because the email-orders took a lot of effort to track manually.

TODOs related to store:

This page was set up to help logistics, and survey interest, with no commitment.

Good news: v3.x mostly assembled + "rescue kit with many useful components to populate the rest" expected to ship soon. Mostly assembled means:

optional parts:

But they will include a "rescue kit with about 60 useful components to populate the rest", since this board allows many customizations, and it's annoying to have no 270k resistor in 0805 when you do that :-)

Epected dates for start shipping:

See GenBoard/MorePictures page for some pictures about first powerup. The PS2KeyBoard and LCD was ported, which means the LBUS infrastructure is working (which is used for ignition and several outputs too).

It seems about one year ahead of similar, but fairy-tale stage designs (unless they can copy very efficiently).

Board "sendin" date was 2004. Feb. 16. quantity: 29. 10x16 cm, 2 sided, hole-plated, solder protected, of course. On Feb 20, we got the boards. Very nice: GenBoardIII

Our target is to make a usable v3.0 version relatively soon: this way we gain experience, so v3.1 will be better (maybe easier to populate) and come faster; Even though the PCB might change later, even new functions might jump on the PCB as time passes, but we'd like no firmware incompatibility betwen v3.0 and v3.1 (eg. no rearrange of WideBandO2 related AVR pins). I think it can be done. The v3.0 should be very nice, powerful and usable (also fit to Alubos case!), but consider it as a developer release anyway.