We need to instruct GenBoard for several reasons:
- upload and save configuration
- test the unit
- change runtime parameters and LCD mode
Most important is altering configuration. Configuration data is saved into the EEPROM for persistency, since it must survive powerdowns (data in SRAM is lost when power goes away). Configuration settings severely affect the ECM's behaviour.
We want to do this in the car, without taking GenBoard out. Traditionally MegaTune is used for this, and it can still be used for setting config variables.
Many people have problems with
- rs232-less notebooks,
- usb-rs232 converters,
- high power requirement of notebooks (batt discharge at long rides),
- dead notebook batteries,
- megatune vs. firmware incompatibilities (!!!!)
- megatune vs notebookOS incompatibility,
- megatune COMportnumber incompatibilities (eg com5 for usb-rs232),
- megatune configuration issues (color problems, locale etc..)
- mouse in the car is inferior to keyboard
A PS2 KeyBoard together with the LCD can be very helpful.
The only remaining service that a notebook is essential for is data-logging. To set the VE-values manually (without WBO2-learning) the 3D-visualization plotting feature of MegaTune is still very useful.
For backuping the tables and config structure - see "mcd" below - is also nice, although setting them from keyboard once per assembled GenBoard is possible: just have the data (varstr.h, magicstr.h for the variable offsets and your config values) on paper and it becomes easy. You need to _understand_ and _specify_ the variables anyway ( MegaTune does the unit conversion and hexadecimal conversion so it's definitely easier ).
Erasing the chip does not clear the EEPROM contents with hfuse==c4 that is normally GenBoard factory-default (erase would clear eeprom with hfuse==cc, see DocsAndFAQ/AvrFirmwareUpload for further info).
You cannot expect to have reasonable config or table values after firmware upgrade ! Before upgrade make sure you have your config saved, and upload your config after upgrade and reboot the controller.
- Input from PS2KeyBoard is now supported: It is very tiny overhead, and only 2 io lines.
- My cheap 4x16 LCD can print 3x5 of the 8x8 fuel (or ign) table (in hex) _with_ the relevant rpm and kpa bins above and to the left, the actual rpm and kpa marked. Another marker is showing the value that you are manipulating. This is normally enough, although for initial tuning a notebook is not a bad thing (bigger display), especially if you have very little experience. A 4x20 can display can display 3x6. A 2x16 can only display 1x5 besides the relevant rpm numbers and kpa number, so it works, but not very convenient. You can walk around with the arrow keys of the PS2 KeyBoard.
We define TextualCommands that are easy to remember and print on a reference-card.
This way the same commands would are usable from
- rs232 terminal
- directly attached keyboard and LCD (recommended)
- maybe FranksLcd (not implemented)
The menu structure is the same for RS232 and ps2keyboard, only the starting state is different. RS232 starts in MENU_ZERO, in MegaTune compatible state, where the one-character commands apply (like 'B' saves the settings to EEPROM like the "mcs" menucommand).
PS2KEYBOARD menu starts in MENU_mmm, (menu-main-main) the top level node of the multichar commands menu.
- From MENU_ZERO you can go to MENU_mmm by typing "Man" (comes from Manual) This does not work when you are inside the middle of an old MegaTune-command (where 'M' would be interpreted as a binary value).
- From MENU_mmm you can go to MENU_ZERO by typing "bye"
The multichar mode provides some robustness itself (the valid subset of the codespace is smaller than for the single-char commands), and the "Mau" mode will provide the desired level of protection in the future. From keyboard ("Man" mode) it is not possible to define a 100% transmit-error-proof and still convenient protocol.
Note that most parts of the menu structure is intended to be used as the new megatunix commands (which has been on the table for some time), there is really no point in inventing another set of commands for the same things.
There are a few types of simple commands (case sensitive characters) like:
"mcs" menu config save(store) all config and tuning values
"mcS#" save tuning config in location #. Saves the fuel, ignition, lambda, boost and ve tables.
"mcL#" load tuning config from location #. Loads the fuel, ignition, lambda, boost and ve tables.
"mcd" menu config dump: The output is textual, with advantages:
"mct" menu tables dump: The output is textual, with advantages:
"mcBXX" changes the current baudrate. XX is the hex value of the divisor.
See GenBoard/InitialConfig for some sample config and tables...
Common things about the textual configuration, that makes it flexible:
- human readable (see example: http://caffrey.dk/megasquirt/files/config.txt )
- capture in the terminal
- save to file
- insert your comments in it (notes for later or for others)
- change the values
- send via mail or publish to web (to ask for help eg.)
- use make mtt to generate mtt files with commands (still human readable but not that specta'clear :-) that write back the values to avr when pasted to a TerminalProgram window. If you make mtt using a different global.h than the firmware's exact revision, you effectively test the trash-input trash output rule (which works!): you'll get all kinds of stupid results. If you make another mistake of not verifying with mcd command (at least check the last few values, they are often shifted with the bad global.h!), you'll wonder why everything acts stupid. Remember this, and always check mcd after changing config. You'll need output of mcd anyway, since to get help you need to post the output of mcd to wiki besides your commented config.txt (or confirm that you verified that it is effectively the same, just without comments of course )
- for the curious: make mtt uses bin/make_conf.pl
- for the curious: make mtt uses bin/make_table.pl (currently VE, ignition, lambdacorr, rpm, kpa) to the avr
- config.txt is position independent way (huge advantages: makes life as easy as it can be when new features come)
Much simpler, than in case of a GUI, where you actually cannot do all these steps. The nightmare of having several incompatible megatune versions - where you are never sure enough if it really matches your firmware - is over. Adding new variables or deleting old is handled properly without silent, frightening overwriting unintended ones.
Designing a GUI (OtherTuningSoftware) is possible while leaving the rock solid OnlineCourse/TextualCommands there.
It would be nice if there was markers before and after the 'dump'. It'd make the parsing of the output both safer and simpler. Markers wouldn't have to be anything fancy, either just '# config dump start' and '# config dump end' or even just '{' and '}'.
"mmm" menu main main. Note: not the same as <esc>.
"mtt" m<char for menu><char for submenu> Go to a specific submenu, actually menu tuning tables
the "m.." commands are available from any submenu (more precisely 'm' goes back to mmm and
"tt" goes to mtt, but it is easier to .
mtt is probably the most important submenu:
Right after mtt (before an explicite goto) the cursor (pos) should be at the actual operating position determined by MAP, RPM, CLT, whatever the table uses for index. (currently only the table dimensions are enforced at table-switching, and originally pos=00).
Note, that these commands are only valid in tuning tables menu (after "mtt"), might
mean something else at other places.
"g3f" g<hex line><hex column> goes to a specific table position pos=0x3f;
"c8a" config[pos] = 0x8a; the magicstr for the given config element is displayed in the lcd_cache:
pos=3d/2 val=48 explana
tion of variable.......
Those come from comments of config_t in global.h (feel free to review them for making them more clear). This is a nice reminder, but does not substitue a printed reference card with longer explanations. The config is handled like a whatever x 16 byte table. Also position 3f might be a subposition inside a multibyte array like 3d/2.
"j3a" j<2 char hex value> sets value in table called "j" (injection) injtable[pos] = 0x3a;
"n9f" n<2 char hex value> sets value in table called "n" (ignition) igntable[pos] = 0x9f;
They step the position so that you do not need additional goto commands if setting consequtive values. But they do NOT step to the next line in the table, but remain at the end. The meaning of the position is table dependent. For 8x8 table g37 goes to line3,col7, and g3f is actually meaningless, it actually goes to g37, it's closest meaningful neighbor.
"q"/"z" modifies the j table in +/- direction, while
"w"/"x" modifies the n table. At 0xff/0x00 it stays there, does not overflow.
"n<esc>" switches to the n table, but bails out to mtt menu before writing anything to the table. <esc> can be escape, or any silly (non-hexa in this case) character.
ARROW-KEYS (LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN): ps2keyboard only. They move around in the current table, sometimes more convenient then a g.. explicite goto. The marker is updated in lcd_cache. Config is a little special, as you see above.
Note: at least 4 characters should be carefully picked that work in "mtt" mode and step inj/ign up/down. Otherwise j+0 and n+0 would be needed all the time if both inj and ign are tuned at the same time to switch to inj and ign table, respectively.
list of tables and dimensions (the above commands beginning with n or j apply to these, just change the n or j to this char):
d: dwell [1*2] (TODO: put to config_t)
j: injection,ve [8*8]
k: kparange [1*8]
r: rpmrange [1*8]
l: lambda target table[8*8]
n: ignition advance [8*8]
<esc> cancels the current command, but stays in the submenu ("mtt" in this case)
Since mtt is the most important submenu, it is easily noticable on the LCD:
In the top-left corner of lcd_cache you see "tc" for mtt menu, 'c' table,
"tn" for the ignition table. (for 20 column display you see "ttn").
"md" takes us to the debug menu.
"mdv" displays the build date for the installed firmware image
"mdV" displays the version number for the installed firmware.
"bye" leave manual mode (not very usefule for keyboard, but works) Note: active in the "mmm" main menu only.
"Man" goto manual mode from initial state of RS232. This is very important, since otherwise RS232 is in megatune compatible menu_zero after powerup, where you cannot easily communicate (binary data) The same applies if you went to menu_zero from menu_mmm with typing "bye" (this means you do not need to restart MS-AVR to use megatune after tinkering in the menusystem, just type "bye".) . This reserves the 'M' command from the old 1-char commands.) Note: strictly speaking "Man" is not a command in the menusystem, but it is used to put rs232 interpreter to the manual menusystem mode. In the future "Mau" will most likely be defined for a slightly modified automatic menu mode - used from megatun.. -, where msavr expects a protecting checksum at the end of the commands for robustness (people cannot calculate that checksum fast).
There are separate menu_t structures for rs232 and ps2. This is a very nice feature. You can be in one menu with one, and another menu with the other. The output is not strictly associated with the input.
- some commands have no output like "mcs"
- some print something to rs232 like the "mxc" commtest or "mcd" configdump
- some update the lcd_cache (if you have defined LCD and LCD_<lines>x<cols> in my_make). If you have an lcd connected, than you see this immediately. You can dump the lcd_cache to rs232 with "mll" command, and you can even make it automatically dumped with "mdf01 mdk01". RS232 could be used to display much more information in a nicer way (eg using VT100 protocol or similar).
LCD-specific commands:
- mla address-test (if you are not sure what are the addresses of lcd character positions)
- mld marks the whole lcd_cache dirty (this enforces your LCD to be refreshed)
- mll dumps the lcd_cache to rs232
- mli reinitializes the LCD
Not that after these you find yourself in MENU_ml, so it is enough to type the last character to get the effect (but from MENNU_mmm you need to type the full 3-char command - of course!).
Debug submenu:
- mdf<hh> the period (in sec) for dumping the variables on rs232 (00 disables)
- mdk<hh> the mask for what variables to be dumped (see benchmark.c), eg. bit 0 is lcd_cache
Output Testing Commands:
"mxo" - This command gives a fake rpm signal to the AVR. It can be used in conjunction with the following "mxp" command to test the Injector driver circuits.
"mxp" - This command gives a fake pulse width to the AVR. It is calculated as (value) * 64usec.
Each command must be give twice as directed in menu.c. An example of the test would be "mxofemxofemxp05mxp05".
After you are finished testing, issue "mxo00mxo00mxp00mxp00" to set the values back to their original state.
It is important not to get lost in the state-machine: simply go back to a known state with <esc>mtt or <esc>m.. for whatever submenu you want to be in in any case when you have doubts.
You should check menu.c ,which not hard to understand.
There is only one difference (that I can think of) between a GUI program (like MegaTunix) and me when it comes to this protocol: megatunix can calculate a checksum to protect communication, while I cannot. Later a flag can be added so that megatunix table-upload only takes effect after correct checksum, which is not needed from-keyboard. (the other difference is that I type 2 chars for an 8bit hexa number, while megatunix could do it in 1, but that is no issue when doing configuration - for realtime logging binary is often a better choice).
A shared .h file would make it easy to travel the (very shallow) menu. Recompiling megatunix is not as easy for an end-user as a config file, but still better than studying several megatune versions, and later a parser can be added. Currently the behavior is wired in menu.c and full megatunix interoperability is not very high on the todo list, since msavr is now perfectly tuneable without it.
VT100 support through rs232 will be somewhat laborsome (anyone?), but it could provide an amazing level of view detail in a very portable way. Even videos can be played via VT-terminal, think of aalib (a little awkward, I agree). Rumors have that someone is working on a pacman game for msavr :-)
A small printable reference card is now available, thanx to Mik. It is generated from cvs firmware module under doc/refcard directory using make, LaTeX, and dvips (urpmi tetex-latex tetex-dvips on Mandrake, YMMV). Run "make pdf" to generate.
- you can download a pre-generated version from http://www.vems.hu/files/refcard.pdf (Warning: it is global.h revision dependent). We should find a better place for it, and store several recent versions.
- Maybe a nice graph? Mik tried: http://home.caffrey.dk/megasquirt/dump/graph.ps but it's not as useful as the textual refcard.
Before the printable refcard was available, people printed this page, and also menu.c and global.h, and the compile-time generated varstr.h, magicstr.h.