This page explains how to complete - or check completion - of GenBoard/VerThree WBO2 HW
Users/installers normally do NOT need these details. See GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorControllerTesting
See GenBoard/VerThree/Schematic and layout on GenBoard/Manual/InitialTesting/VerThree
Needed components
You probably want to get 1st WideBand channel (pump1, nernst1, heater1) get working 1st.
v3.2 contains
- everything for the common section
- everything for the 1st channel (except the Q18 WBO2 heater FET)
- everything except R103 (and the Q14 WBO2 heater FET) from the second nernst channel (reason below).
Therefore most v3.2 users only have to solder Q18 (to complete 1st WBO2 channel) and can proceed to the testing steps. Please take a few minutes to review the components anyway.
Common parts: needed for either 1st or 2nd WBO2 channel
- PUMP- / 2v Section (TODO: split this to 2 sections!!!) - needed for both 1st and 2nd WBO2 channel
- 2x LM 324D U17, U7
- 18k R104
- 33k R44
- 75K R129
- 270 R127 (You must solder this, or at least check it!!!)
- 22K R25
- 0.1uF C21
- 0.1uF C26
- 3x 0.22uF C50, C52, C53 (Easier to just place 1*1..2.2 uF)
- 0.1uF C51
Needed for WBO2 1st channel
- PUMP1+
- Pump1Filt: R54,C86 an RC filter (270..510 Ohm * 2u2) before the OPA was removed from v3.0 layout (unfortunately). We added back at v3.1, soldered on in factory. It is recommended to make that (LM324 OPA is not fast enough to follow the 16usec period squarewave precisely). It can be done without a tracecut, but unsoldering r... (OC3A..OPA+) is needed.
- 10k R132
- 4x 100k R32, R35, R46, R49 (marked 104 or 1003)
- 510 R51
- 0 R48 (v3.0 only)
- 0.1 uF C81 (on back side of board)
- 0.22uF C54
- D44
- 10k R98
- 270k R99
- 75k R102 This might be missing on v3.1, cause the NBO2 setup likes *1 amplification (voltage-follow mode, where R102 missing), and it's easier to solder a resistor than unsolder
- 10k R145
- 10k R144
- 0.22uF C66
- 1M R146
- 1k R134
- 10k R133
- Q18
See the bold R137 R140 R103 R28 R31 R33 R34 R29 C22 C26 C53 ... Not needed for 1st WBO2 channel
- 1k R120
- 10k R119
- Q14
- D43
- 10k R143
- 270k R124
- 75k R103 this component is deliberately left out from v3.2, so this channel can be used as a x1 amplification (voltage-follow mode) NBO2 channel.
- 10k R125
- 0.1 uF C83
- 10k R137
- 0.22uF C62
- 1M R139
- PUMP2+
- See PUMP1Filt: R55,C87
- 10k R140
- 4x 100k R28, R31, R33, R34
- 510 R29
- 0.22uF C22
absolutely important to check
It is extremely bad practice to save a few minutes by skipping the checking of 20 components, but at the very minimum:
- R127 [Placement]
- R51
- 4x 100k R32, R35, R46, R49: if these 100k resistors are soldered, you can see that they were soldered manually on v3.1, matched to appr. 0.1% (overprecise). Automatically populated on v3.2. Solder them if they are not already soldered. [Placement]
- C81
GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorControllerCompleting/OldBoards - before v3.1
For convenience, here are the instructions for calibrating the wideband hardware from the user's guide:
Pump zero pw (5V/256)
The first check is 'Pump Zero DC', so you will need to take a reading with a DVM across pins 5&6 of the Wideband connector. The ideal voltage is zero.
wbo2_pump_pw_zero value is adjusted during factory test, saved in ECM eeprom. Don't forget to save the the current settings by saving the output of the terminal command Manmcd or use download-config.bat before making any calibration changes.
To adjust the voltage you will need to use the terminal program to change the value directly. To do this use the command: Mang8Ac63mcs And you will make adjusments starting from 63 upwards.
The wbo2_pump_pw_zero value is likely between 0x63 to 0x66 (99 .. 102 decimal as adjusted in MegaTune 'Pump Zero DC'). Example:
- at wbo2_pump_pw_zero=0x65 I measured 0.10v
- changing to wbo2_pump_pw_zero=0x64 resulted in a reading of -0.17
- and 0x66 took the reading up to 0.4v.
Note that WBO2 must be restarted for the value to take effect (reboot the board).
Pump PID nernst target
Once you are satisfied that wbo2_pump_pw_zero is as close to 0v as it can be, you should verify the pump and nernst control voltages. You'll need two 100 Ohm resistors. Power down the board then
- insert one 100 ohm resistor between wbo2_pin1 and wbo2_pin6
- and the other 100 ohm resistor between wbo2_pin1 and wbo2_pin5.
- Power up the board, and switch to LCD page 2 using the command Manmlp02 and display the page with the command mll
- Enable the WBO2 heater with mde02, and wait for the O2% to be displayed by refreshing the display with mll.
Just to verify, check that the voltage between ground and wbo2_pin5 (nernst-) reads appr 4V. 3.9V .. 4.1V is perfect. Note that this cannot be change in configuration or firmware, it's controlled by hardware. If less than 3.8V or above 4.2V, there is good chance the wiring is bad, check it.
Using a DVM, check that voltage between wbo2_pin1 and wbo2_pin5 reads appr 0.45V (0.44V or 0.46V is just as good). If it's slightly out, you can adjust the value by typing: Manmttg89c85mcs and adjusting the value 85
As before, you'll have restart the board between any config value changes, remember to change to page 2, start the heater and wait for an O2% display (Manmlp02, mde02, mll)
If you cannot get close to this 0.45V target, check the values wbo2_pump_pid ... for example wbo2_pump_pid_ki and wbo2_pump_pid_ilimit, against a known good config. Finally, verify with the DVM that the difference is 0.45V.
- Send mde00 to turn off the WBO2 heater.
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