LSU4.2 is traditionally used
- Wire up
- free-air calibration
- LSU4.2 is selected in config.
LSU4.9 can be used:
- Wire up
- 27k nernstpullup resistor to +5V
- free-air calibration
- LSU4.9 is selected in config
For [LSU4.9] read the product page, really. You will find important URLs, read those too.
Including the [pdf]
Checkout RecentChanges (in this wiki), maybe sg related is there also.
Some LSU4.9 related copypaste from it, but really do read the related docs (it is very short, and can be printed).
- Power up ECU and measure nernst voltage (with nothing connected. Config does not matter at this point).
- If less than 4V (above GND), then install a 27k resistor between nernst and +5V for correct operation
- (pullup resistor for nernst reference current according to Bosch requirement: nernst reference current replaces the LSU4.2 reference oxygen gas connection-tube, which was sensitive to clogging).
- If the 27k nernstpullup resistor is installed (inside the box or outside), nernst measures >4V (typically appr 4.9V) when open circuit. With a 1k pulldown (test resistor towards GND) measures typically appr 175-180 mV =>
- LSU4.9 must be selected in config (Wideband settings: independently possible for 1st and 2nd WBO2 channel). Other than that, same PID values work (eg. Ri target is 165).
Necessery steps are split to small sections. Use this as your checklist:
- MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide wideband section
- GenBoard/Manual/OxygenSensor overview: wideband vs. narrowband sensor
- a description of the sensor at
- GenBoard/Manual/OxygenSensor/Fitting important mechanical notes
- GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorConnection : how to connect sensor
- GenBoard/Manual/Config/WidebandDefaultConfig
- GenBoard/Manual/WideBandDualWboHardware 2nd WBO2 channel hardware
- GenBoard/Manual/Config/WidebandCalibration explains free air calibration (and other configuration details)
- other misc notes GenBoard/Manual/Config/WBoxygen
- PlugAndPlayMotronic/BmwEngines recommended SSC5 pinout for LSU4.2 or LSU4.9
- GenBoard/Manual/License/WBSensor
- GenBoard/Manual/Firmware/WBSensor how to compile firmware
- GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorControllerCompleting explains how to complete the hardware
- GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorControllerTesting explains how to test the hardware (TODO: split GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorLogging)
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